TOP: print 'Which? (Enter a, b, c, d, e, f, or g.):' ; $which = ; chomp ( $which ) ; if ( $which lt 'a' || $which gt 'g' ) { die 'Invalid response to "Which? "' ; } $char_list = "0123456789bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz" ; $qrs = open ( INBFILE, "c:/aue_site_echo_hold/intro_documents/intro_${which}.txt\n" ) ; if ( not $qrs ) { die 'Open input file failed ' ; } open ( OUTBFILE, ">c:/aue_site_echo_hold/intro_documents/intro_${which}.html") ; print OUTBFILE "\n"; print OUTBFILE "\n" ; print OUTBFILE " \n"; print OUTBFILE "\n"; if ( $which eq 'a' ) { print OUTBFILE "Intro A: Welcome to AUE and Guidelines for Posting:\n"; $short_name = 'Intro A' ; } elsif ( $which eq 'b' ) { print OUTBFILE "Intro B: Useful Web Sites for AUE Participants\n"; $short_name = 'Intro B' ; } elsif ( $which eq 'c' ) { print OUTBFILE "Intro C: Mini-FAQ on Words and Phrases\n"; $srce_var_array[0] = '"billion": a U.K. view' ; $dest_var_array[0] = '"billion" (based on an article by Ken Moore and Olivier Bettens)' ; $srce_var_array[1] = '"cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey"' ; $dest_var_array[1] = '"Cold enough to freeze the balls off of a brass monkey"' ; $srce_var_array[2] = '"obaue"' ; $dest_var_array[2] = '"obaue" or "ObAUE"' ; $variant_count = 3 ; $short_name = 'Intro C' ; } elsif ( $which eq 'd' ) { print OUTBFILE "Intro D: Mini-FAQ on Grammar, Usage and Punctuation\n"; $srce_var_array[0] = 'Group nouns: singular or plural? "company is" -v- "company are"' ; $dest_var_array[0] = 'Group nouns -- singular or plural? "company is" -v- "company are"' ; $srce_var_array[1] = 'Gender-neutral pronouns: "he/she" -v- "they"' ; $dest_var_array[1] = 'Gender-neutral pronouns -- "he/she" -v- "they"' ; $srce_var_array[2] = 'Names of &, @, and #' ; $dest_var_array[2] = 'Names for &, @, and #' ; $srce_var_array[3] = 'Why do we say "30 years old" but "a 30-year-old man"?' ; $dest_var_array[3] = 'Why do we say "30 years old", but "a 30-year-old man"?' ; $variant_count = 4 ; $short_name = 'Intro D' ; } elsif ( $which eq 'e' ) { print OUTBFILE "Intro E: Mini-FAQ on Spelling\n"; $srce_var_array[0] = 'What is "ghoti"?' ; $dest_var_array[0] = 'What is "ghoti"? (notes by Jim Scobbie)' ; $srce_var_array[1] = 'I before E except after C' ; $dest_var_array[1] = 'I before E except after C (based on notes by Mark Wainwright)' ; $srce_var_array[2] = 'U.S. -v- rest-of-world English' ; $dest_var_array[2] = 'U.S. -v- REST-OF-WORLD ENGLISH' ; $variant_count = 3 ; $short_name = 'Intro E' ; } elsif ( $which eq 'f' ) { print OUTBFILE "Intro F: AUE FAQ Contents\n"; $short_name = 'Intro F' ; } elsif ( $which eq 'g' ) { print OUTBFILE "Intro G: Where is the FAQ?\n"; $short_name = 'Intro G' ; } print OUTBFILE "\n"; print OUTBFILE "\n"; print OUTBFILE ''."\n"; print OUTBFILE ""."\n"; print OUTBFILE "
$process = 0 ;
$place_1 = 0 ;
$place_2 = 0 ;
$place_3 = 0 ;
$place_4 = 0 ;
$source_count = 0 ;
$target_count = 0 ;
$line_count = 0 ;
$num_lines = 0 ;
while (  )
  { chomp $_ ;
    if ( $process eq 0 )
      { if ( $_ !~ /Last Revised/ ) { next }
        else { ++$process } ;
    $in_array [$line_count] = $_ ;
	 while ( $in_array[$line_count] =~ /\s+$/ )
			{ chop $in_array[$line_count] }
	 ++$line_count ;
	 ++$num_lines ;
for ( $line_index ; $line_index < $num_lines ; $line_index++ )       
     $h_index = index ( $in_array[$line_index], "http://", 0 ) ;
     $full_html = $in_array[$line_index] ;
     $last_h = 0 ;
     if ( $full_html =~ /^\s*-\s/ )
	    { #print "full_html: $full_html" ; 
		   $anchor_name = $full_html ;
         $anchor_name =~ s/[\[\]]//g ;
         $anchor_name =~ s/[".!,\' :\-?.]//g ;
         $anchor_name =~ s/\s*$// ;
			if ( length ( $anchor_name ) < 6 )
			  { $anchor_name = $anchor_name . "xxxxxx" ; }
			$anchor_name = substr ( $anchor_name, 0, 6 ) .
			    substr ( $char_list, $place_1, 1 ) . 
				 substr ( $char_list, $place_2, 1 ) . 
				 substr ( $char_list, $place_3, 1 ) . 
				 substr ( $char_list, $place_4, 1 ) ;
			$hit = 0 ;
			$test_line = $full_html ;
			$test_line =~ s/^\s*\-\s*// ;
			for ( $idx = 0 ; $idx < $variant_count ; $idx++ )
			  { if ( $test_line eq $srce_var_array[$idx] )
			      { $source_array[$source_count] = $dest_var_array[$idx] ;
					  $hit = 1 ;
			if ( $hit eq 0 ) 
			  { $source_array[$source_count] = $test_line ; }
			$sce_use_array[$source_count] = 0 ;
			$sce_line_array[$source_count] = $line_index ;
			$anchor_name_array[$source_count++] = $anchor_name ;
	 		#print ", anchor name: $anchor_name\n" ;
			++$place_4 ;
         if ( $place_4 > 29 )
			  { $place_4 = 0 ;
			    ++$place_3 ;
				 if ($place_3 > 29 )
				   { $place_3 = 0 ;
					  ++$place_2 ;
					  if ( $place_2 > 29 )
					    { $place_2 = 0 ;
					      ++$place_1 ;
					      if ( $place_1 > 29 ) 
					        { die "*** Too may anchors.\n    Program modification needed to allow more than 810,000 anchors.\n"
	  if (    $in_array[$line_index]   =~ /^\-\-\-*\s*$/ 
	       && $in_array[$line_index+2] =~ /^\-\-\-*\s*$/ 
			 || $in_array[$line_index]   =~ /^~~~*\s*$/
			 && $in_array[$line_index+2] =~ /^~~~*\s*$/ )
		 { $target_array[$target_count] = $in_array[$line_index+1] ;
		   $target_line_array[$target_count] = $line_index + 1 ;
			while ( $target_array[$target_count] =~ /\s+$/ )
					{ chop $target_array[$target_count] }
			#print "target_line_array[$target_count]: $target_line_array[$target_count], " ;
			#print "target_array[$target_count]: $target_array[$target_count]\n" ;
			++$target_count ;
	  $e_mail_hits = 0 ;
	  while ( $full_html =~ /(<[^>]+@[^>]+>)/g )
	    { $bracketed_string[$e_mail_hits] = $1 ;
		   ++$e_mail_hits ;
	  for ( $mail_index = 0 ; $mail_index < $e_mail_hits ; $mail_index++ )
			if ( $bracketed_string[$mail_index] !~ /trio\ )
				  $e_mail_start = index ( $full_html, $bracketed_string[$mail_index], 0 ) ;
				  $back_start = $e_mail_start + length ($bracketed_string[$mail_index]) ;
				  $front_part = substr ( $full_html, 0, $e_mail_start ) ; 
				  $back_part = substr ( $full_html, $back_start ) ;
				  $contents = substr 
				      ( $bracketed_string[$mail_index], 
								1, length ( $bracketed_string[$mail_index]) - 2 ) ;
				  $full_html = $front_part . 
						   "<$contents>" .
							$back_part ;
	  $junk_hits = 0 ;
	  while ( $full_html =~ /(<[^>@]*>)/g )
	    { $bracketed_string[$junk_hits] = $1 ;
	      ++$junk_hits ;
	  for ( $junk_index = 0 ; $junk_index < $junk_hits ; $junk_index++ )
		    if ( $bracketed_string[$junk_index] !~ /^ 0 )
	  #  { print "bracketed_string_array:\n" ;
	  #   for ( $print_index = 0 ; $print_index < $e_mail_hits ; $print_index++ )
	  #   { print "   $bracketed_string[$print_index]\n" ; }
	  # }
     while ( $h_index >= 0 )
        { if ( $h_index > 0 )
           { if ( substr ( $full_html, $h_index - 1, 1 ) eq "<" )
               { $g_index = index ( $full_html, ">", $h_index ) ;
                 $url = substr ( $full_html, $h_index, $g_index - $h_index ) ;
                 $front_part = substr ( $full_html, 0, $h_index - 1 ) ;
                 $mid_part = '<' . $url . ">" ;
                 $back_part = substr ( $full_html, $g_index + 1 ) ;
                 $full_html = $front_part . $mid_part . $back_part ;
               { $front_part = substr ( $full_html, 0, $h_index - 1 ) ; 
                 $lenurl = length ( $full_html ) - length ( $front_part ) ;
                 $url = substr ( $full_html, $h_index, $lenurl ) ;
                 $back_part = '' . $url . "" ;
                 $full_html = $front_part . $back_part ;
           { $full_html = '' . $full_html . '' ;
          $last_h = $h_index + 2 * length ( $url ) + 18 ;
          $h_index = index ( $full_html, "http://", $last_h ) ;
     $dr_index = index ( $full_html, "Donna Richoux", 0 ) ;
     if ( $dr_index >= 0 ) 
        { $front_part = substr ( $full_html, 0, $dr_index ) ;
          $back_part = substr ( $full_html, $dr_index + 13 ) ;
          $full_html = $front_part . 
                       'Donna Richoux' .
                        $back_part ; 
      $pass_1_array[$line_index] = $full_html ;
TARGET_LOOP: for ( $target_line = 0 ; $target_line < $target_count ; $target_line++ )
  { for ( $source_line = 0 ; $source_line < $source_count ; $source_line++ )
	  { if ( $sce_use_array[$source_line] ne 0 ) {next}
	    if ( $target_array[$target_line] eq $source_array[$source_line] )
		   { $sce_use_array[$source_line] = 1 ;
			  $pass_1_array[$target_line_array[$target_line]-1] = 
			        $pass_1_array[$target_line_array[$target_line]-1] .
					  "" ;
			  $html_line = $pass_1_array[$sce_line_array[$source_line]] ;
			  $html_line =~ s/(^\s*\-\s*)// ;
			  $html_line = "$1" .
										$html_line . "" ;
			  $pass_1_array[$sce_line_array[$source_line]] = $html_line ;
			  next TARGET_LOOP ;
for ( $line_index = 0 ; $line_index < $num_lines ; $line_index++ )  
  { print OUTBFILE $pass_1_array[$line_index], "\n" ;
print OUTBFILE "
\n" ; print OUTBFILE '

- - - - - -
', "\n" ; ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = gmtime ( time ) ; @time_list = ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) ; @time_list = undef ( @time_list ) ; #This and prev. to make Perl quit complaining about unused variables if ( $hour < 10 ) { $hour = "0$hour" ; } if ( $min < 10 ) { $min = "0$min" ; } if ( $year > 99 ) { $year -= 100 ; if ( $year < 10 ) { $year = "0$year" } ; $year = "20$year" ; } else { if ( $year < 10 ) { $year = "0$year" } ; $year = "19$year" ; } @wday_list = qw ( Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ) ; $wkday = $wday_list [ $wday ] ; @month_list = qw ( January February March April May June July August September October November December ) ; $mon_now = $month_list [ $mon ] ; print OUTBFILE "Last modification of this hypertext file: ", "$wkday $mday $mon_now $year $hour:$min GMT
\n" ; print OUTBFILE '', "\n" ; print OUTBFILE '', "\n" ; close OUTBFILE ; print "Exit?" ; if ( =~ /\>/ ) { goto TOP }