You have a choice of two ways to search the site, Perlfect Search and the Concordance.   For a discussion
of some ways these two compare, click here.  For some implementation notes, click here

AUE Web-Site Concordance Index

  • a ac ad af al alm am an anm ap ar as at au aum av
  • b bam be bed beg bem bi bl bo bom bot br bri bu
  • c can cas ce ch chi ci cl co cog com comp con cons cont cop cos cr cu
  • d de dem des di dim dis do dom dr
  • e ed el en eng enm es ev ex exc exm
  • f fam fas fe fi fim fl fo for fou fr frm fu
  • g ge gi go gr gri
  • h ham has he hem hi ho hop hu
  • i im in ine int inv is
  • j jo
  • k kl
  • l las le lem li lin lip lo lop
  • m mak map mas me men mi min mo mop mot mu
  • n ne nem ni no not nou
  • o of on op or ot ov
  • p par pas pe per ph pi pl po pos pr pres prob pron prov pur
  • q
  • r re rec ref rel req rev ri rom ru
  • s san sc sea sem sev shi shr sin sl soc som sou spe spi sta ste str sub sug sur
  • t tar tem than that the ther thes thin this tho thu to tra tri tu
  • u uni unu use
  • v ve vi
  • w wat wed wh whe whi wid win wit wom word work wri
  • x
  • y
  • z

  • Help

    To search for a word (hereinafter called the 'target word'), find an entry in the above index that is the highest in alphabetical order that is less than or equal to the target word.  Click on that entry.  This will bring up a concordance file that will contain the target word.  Search for the target word using your browser's search function.  (For example, in Internet Explorer or Netscape use control-F.)  If you prepend a colon to the target word, the search will skip all occurrences except the one that is a main entry.  The main entry for a target word in the concordance file will be followed by a list of hyperlinks, one for each search area (See footnote) that has at least one occurrence of the target word.  A number following each hyperlink indicates the number of occurrences of the target word in the search area represented by the hyperlink.  

    For example, to search for the word 'machine', note the adjacent entries 'm' and 'mar' in the index.  The word 'machine' is alphabetically equal to or greater than 'm' and less than 'mar', so you should click on 'm'.

    Each hyperlink in the Concordance is preceded by an italicized tag that stands for the program or the type of program that the link pertains to.  The following table shows some of the tags and the program or program type they correspond to.   Other tags should be self explanatory.

        FX: An excerpt from the 1997 FAQ.
        SUPP: An entry in the AUE FAQ Supplement.
        IPA I: An entry in the general ASCII IPA guide.
        IPA II: An enry in the American ASCII IPA guide.
        Interface: The Concordance interface file.

    Which should I use?  Perlfect Search or the Concordance?

    Some people may find Perlfect preferable because it has somewhat the feel of search engines like AltaVista.  It also allows phrases to be searched for as well as individual words.

    Other people may find the Concordance preferable because it takes advantage of internal anchors in some files so that it goes more directly to the point where the search target is to be found.

    The Concordance doesn't provide for searching on multiword phrases, but it usually happens that if you search for a word in the phrase, one of the hits has the phrase spelled out in its hyperlink.  To see what I mean, use the Concordance to look for 'rule of thumb' by searching on 'thumb'; or 'cut the mustard', by searching on 'mustard'.

    A difference that may be significant to people with slower systems is that each time you select a segment of the Concordance, a file is temporarily downloaded to your site.  An effort has been made to keep the sizes of the segments small enough so that this download time would not be prohibitive.  Perlfect Search uses a single large index, but when it's used it's not downloaded from the remote Web site, so download time is not a problem.

    Implementation Notes

    In the allocation of the overall Concordance to the individual concordance files, the rule used was that no concordance file should exceed 50 kilobytes in size.  This is the reason for some letters of the alphabet having more partitions than others.  It also explains the uneven spacing of the partitions.  An exception to the 50-kilobyte rule is the 'Non-alpha' file, which contains entries that don't start with an alphabetic character.

    The Perl script that generates the Concordance was written by Markus Laker.

    Footnote: For small documents, 'search area' may mean the entire document.  For larger documents, 'search area' pertains to the interval between two target anchors.   'Target anchor' refers to an HTML anchor that has the string '

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