Lawler itsraining: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 1
RH_wotd f*ck: 2
RH_wotd f*cking A: 1
f*cking A
RH_wotd f*cking A: 1
FX: "a"/"an" before abbreviations: 1
Showing variation of formants of [i:] with context: 2
Showing variation of formants of [i:] with context: 2
Showing variation of formants of [i:] with context: 1
Showing variation of formants of [i:] with context: 4
Comments on a proposal for reformed English spelling: 1
The Totally Official Boink Home Page: 2
Posting frequencies: Tabulation of user names with over 50 postings in the past four years: 1
Resources: Online reference books : 1
FX: Books on phrase origins: 1
UCLE05: Whats: 2
summer: 1
summer: 1
wwwords Fabless: 2
FX: What words are their own antonym?: 1
FX: "whole cloth" (notes by Ellen Rosen): 2
UCLE11: The: 1
awwy_F: 'Word With You' list for letter F: 2
awwy_T: 'Word With You' list for letter T: 1
awwy_F: 'Word With You' list for letter F: 1
Lawler striddly: striddly: 1
The Totally Official Boink Home Page: 1
awwy_F: 'Word With You' list for letter F: 1
wwwords Face the music: 1
EMorris: M : 1
Wilton: Wilton's Etymology Page: 1
Unedited list of search results: 1
Arthur the Rat: 1
awwy_F: 'Word With You' list for letter F: 3
awwy_M: 'Word With You' list for letter M: 1
awwy_P: 'Word With You' list for letter P: 1
FX: "face the music": 3
FX: "God rest you merry, gentlemen": 1
FX: Table of Contents: 1
FX: ", vs ,": 1
Fast FAQ: Table of Contents: 1
fast_faq_toc.html: 1
Intro F: Intro F: AUE FAQ Contents: 1
Audio recording technique - Some suggestions: 1
Text Counter Example: 1
UCLE08: Britannia: Her history,: 2
UCLE09: Bloody: 1
UCLE11: The: 2
UCLE04: Our Favourite Cultural and Language Links: 63
UCLE04: British: 22
UCLE04: Language and Usenet FAQs: 2
UCLE05: Language references: 1
UCLE05: Whats: 6
UCLE05: John Davies's commentary: 3
UCLE08: Britannia: Her history,: 1
UCLE09: Daring: 1
UCLE09: It went pear-shaped: 1
Yet to come: 7
Face the music
wwwords Face the music: 1
Lawler gotten: Gotten vs. Got: 1
Supp: "SOS": 1
UCLE11: The: 1
UCLE12: News: 1
wwwords Facemail: 2
Symposium I: The alt.usage.english London Symposium: 1
UCLE12: News: 1
J_Lynch: F: 1
FX: "O.K.": 1
Lawler only: "only": 1
wwwords Facile: 2
Garbl: F: 1
Comments on a proposal for reformed English spelling: 1
FX: "ebonics": 1
Garbl: C: 1
Wilton: Wilton's Etymology Page: 1
awwy_F: 'Word With You' list for letter F: 1
Audio recording technique - Some suggestions: 1
Garbl: F: 1
Audio: Other Sound Files: 1
awwy_F: 'Word With You' list for letter F: 1
Intro D: "A" or "an": 1
Garbl: F: 1
Unedited list of search results: 1
FX: Books on usage: 1
FX: "Jingle Bells": 1
FX: "Jingle Bells": 1
Common errors: I: 1
Garbl: F: 1
Garbl: I: 2
I before E: With regard to the extension added by some people for "neighbor": 1
J_Lynch: F: 1
Comments on a proposal for reformed English spelling: 1
Unedited list of search results: 1
Posting History: Comments: 1
FX: Books on "bias-free"/"politically correct" language: 1
FX: distribution of English-speakers: 2
FX: "eighty-six"="nix": 1
FX: "flammable": 1
FX: "fuck": 1
FX: Gender-neutral pronouns: 1
FX: "Go figure": 1
FX: I before E except after C (notes by Mark Wainwright): 1
FX: "kangaroo": 1
FX: "like" vs "as": 1
FX: "merkin" (notes by Michael B. Quinion and Ruth Bygrave): 1
FX: "mouses" vs "mice": 1
FX: Online dictionaries: 1
FX: "scot-free": 1
FX: Table of Contents: 1
FX: "true fact": 7
FX: What is "ghoti"? (notes by Jim Scobbie): 1
FX: What is the language term for...?: 1
FX: What words are their own antonym?: 2
FX: "whole cloth" (notes by Ellen Rosen): 1
FX: "wonk" (notes by Fred Shapiro): 1
Fast FAQ: Table of Contents: 1
fast_faq_toc.html: 1
Genitive: Genitive is not always possessive.: 1
Lawler a-an: A or An Historical Novel?: 2
Lawler amnt: "amn't": 2
Lawler canthelp: Can't Help (But) ...: 1
Lawler commas: Commas: 2
Lawler commas: The intonation curve is (roughly) up-down-back.up, graphically something: 1
Lawler complmnt: Object Complements: 2
Lawler correct: "Correctness": 1
Lawler enghist: English Language History, with excursus on Technology: 2
Lawler extrapos: Extraposition, plus Selected Short Subjects: 1
Lawler extrapos: --- Followup --: 4
Lawler gotten: Gotten vs. Got: 1
Lawler hadve: hadn't've: 1
Lawler hadve: I suspect much of the rancor that greets spellings of had've is: 1
Lawler headline: Headline grammar: 1
Lawler indian: Indian English: 1
Lawler infinite: English and Infinity: 1
Lawler itsraining: "It" in "It's raining": 1
Lawler itsraining: You may have noticed the Sapir quotation in my .sig.: 1
Lawler itsraining: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 4
Lawler lingmarks: One can already, for instance, read the: 2
Lawler npi: Negative Polarity Items: 5
Lawler npi: Since you ask, here's a moderately complete list of polarity items,: 1
Lawler only: "only": 1
Lawler phrasals: Phrasal Verbs: 2
Lawler q-neg: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 2
Lawler quote: "Quote, Unquote": 1
Lawler reams: Reams: 2
Lawler schwa: Schwa and Central Vowels: 2
Lawler tense: Tense and related topics: 1
Lawler tense: >Past tenses:: 2
Lawler they: He, she, they?: 2
Lawler they: >> That is, the voicing assimilation that makes these morphemes voiceless: 2
Lawler they: That is, the voicing assimilation that makes these morphemes voiceless: 2
Lawler truly: Canadian and American Raising: 2
Intro C: American: 1
Intro E: I before E except after C (based on notes by Mark Wainwright): 1
Intro E: What is "ghoti"? (notes by Jim Scobbie): 1
Intro F: Intro F: AUE FAQ Contents: 1
IPA I: About this document: 1
IPA I: Slashes or square brackets?: 1
boink: 1
Bridge to Damian Conway's pluralization paper: 1
Audio recording technique - Some suggestions: 1
Subjunctive?: Subjunctive: 2
UCLE12: News: 1
Lawler booklist: Beth Levin is a computational linguist at Northwestern University: 1
Garbl: F: 1
Resources: Miscellaneous, not language related : 1
FX: What is the language term for...?: 1
EMorris: F : 1
FX: What words are their own antonym?: 1
Garbl: F: 1
FX: "It's me" vs "It is I": 1
Lawler a-an: A or An Historical Novel?: 1
Lawler enghist: >Your example of English and Caxton print shop goes a long way to convince: 2
Lawler npi: Since you ask, here's a moderately complete list of polarity items,: 1
Lawler vehicle: "vehicle": 1
What's new?: History of Changes at the AUE Web Site: 1
Lawler l-sounds: >> For instance: English has only one /l/ phoneme, but it has: 1
Lawler tense: >Past tenses:: 1
Lawler phrasals: Phrasal Verbs: 2
FX: Plurals of Latin/Greek words: 2
Unedited list of search results: 1
awwy_B: 'Word With You' list for letter B: 1
awwy_F: 'Word With You' list for letter F: 1
awwy_O: 'Word With You' list for letter O: 1
awwy_S: 'Word With You' list for letter S: 2
Resources: Discussion groups, Usenet group Websites : 1
FX: "acronym": 1
FX: Books on phrase origins: 2
FX: Books on Britishisms, Canadianisms, etc.: 1
FX: "Caesarean section": 1
FX: "push the envelope": 1
FX: "true fact": 2
FX: "whole cloth" (notes by Ellen Rosen): 1
Lawler complmnt: Object Complements: 2
Lawler enghist: English Language History, with excursus on Technology: 2
Lawler tense: >Past tenses:: 1
UCLE13: The Curse of Macbeth: 1
Intro B: Encyclopedias & Search Engines: 1
Resources: �������� 3. The URL: 1
Lawler lingmarks: One can already, for instance, read the: 1
UCLE11: The: 1
FX: "quality": 1
UCLE11: The: 1
Isles: BRITISH ISLES. A geographical term referring to the islands: 1
Wilton: Wilton's Etymology Page: 1
UCLE10: British: 1
UCLE14: Literary characters who became: 1
Unedited list of search results: 1
Garbl: F: 1
Unedited list of search results: 2
FX: split infinitive: 3
FX: "widget" (notes by William C. Waterhouse): 1
Lawler giveadamn: Give a Damn: 1
Lawler itsraining: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 1
Supp: "miss not having": 1
UCLE11: The: 1
FX: "due to": 1
FX: names of "&", "@", and "#": 1
FX: Online usage guides: 1
Lawler aluminum: Alumin(i)um: 1
IPA II: About this document:: 1
File Not Found: 1
FX: "beg the question": 1
FX: I before E except after C (notes by Mark Wainwright): 1
FX: "posh": 1
UCLE11: The: 1
UCLE09: Bloody: 1
Comments on a proposal for reformed English spelling: 1
FX: "due to": 1
FX: "try and", "be sure and", "go" + verb: 1
FX: What words are their own antonym?: 1
UCLE09: It went pear-shaped: 2
UCLE10: Fainites!: 1
wwwords Fainites: 2
Lawler gonna: gonna: 1
Lawler they: He, she, they?: 1
FX: Words whose spelling has influenced their pronunciation: 1
RH_wotd passing fair: 1
wwwords Fair cop: 1
wwwords Fair dinkum: 1
wwwords Fair to middling: 1
FX: "by hook or by crook": 1
FX: "God rest you merry, gentlemen": 1
FX: "Go figure": 1
Lawler complmnt: Object Complements: 1
Lawler they: -- more followup:: 1
Lawler truly: Canadian and American Raising: 1
Lawler vowels: Vowels Before R: 1
boink: 1
Fair cop
wwwords Fair cop: 1
Fair dinkum
wwwords Fair dinkum: 1
Fair to middling
wwwords Fair to middling: 1
awwy_F: 'Word With You' list for letter F: 1
UCLE11: The: 1
UCLE15: The Tooth Fairy: 3
Garbl: F: 1
Unedited list of search results: 1
FX: "billions and billions": 1
FX: "blue moon" (notes by Philip Hiscock): 1
FX: "cut to the chase": 1
FX: "different to", "different than": 1
FX: "eighty-six"="nix": 1
FX: "like" vs "as": 1
FX: Where to put apostrophes in possessive forms: 1
Lawler amnt: "amn't": 1
Lawler asfaras: As far as ... goes/is concerned: 1
Lawler comma: Commas again: 1
Lawler hadve: I suspect much of the rancor that greets spellings of had've is: 1
Lawler itsraining: "It" in "It's raining": 1
Lawler lingmarks: Computational Linguistics Extremely: 1
Lawler npi: Since you ask, here's a moderately complete list of polarity items,: 1
Lawler zilch: zilch: 1
Intro A: Responding: 1
Intro C: "full monty": 1
IPA I: Writing ASCII IPA: 1
UCLE03: Lindsay: 1
UCLE08: Londons: 1
Intro C: words ending in "-gry": 1
Intro D: Where to find the big AUE FAQ: 1
wwwords San fairy ann: 1
Lawler bring: Bring vs Take: 1
UCLE10: British: 1
UCLE15: The Tooth Fairy: 9
awwy_L: 'Word With You' list for letter L: 1
Emphasis quotes: Use of Quotation Marks for Emphasis: 1
awwy_F: 'Word With You' list for letter F: 1
awwy_L: 'Word With You' list for letter L: 1
UCLE08: Britannia: Her history,: 1
FX: split infinitive: 1
FX: "The die is cast.": 1
FX: "titsling"/"brassiere": 1
FX: "hell for leather": 1
awwy_L: 'Word With You' list for letter L: 1
Showing variation of formants of [i:] with context: 1
FX: "fall off a turnip truck": 3
FX: Table of Contents: 1
FX: What is the opposite of "to exceed"?: 1
FX: What words are their own antonym?: 2
Fast FAQ: Table of Contents: 1
fast_faq_toc.html: 1
Lawler a-an: A or An Historical Novel?: 1
Lawler commas: Commas: 1
Lawler commas: The intonation curve is (roughly) up-down-back.up, graphically something: 2
Lawler gonna: gonna: 1
Lawler l-sounds: >> For instance: English has only one /l/ phoneme, but it has: 1
Lawler striddly: striddly: 1
Intro F: Intro F: AUE FAQ Contents: 1
summer: 1
UCLE09: Holidays: 1
UCLE09: Rivers: 1
I before E: Early in both discussions I submitted a list of words that were: 1
Comments on a proposal for reformed English spelling: 1
FX: "beg the question": 2
FX: "love"="zero": 1
Genitive: Genitive is not always possessive.: 2
Intro C: "beg the question": 1
FX: "hell for leather": 1
awwy_F: 'Word With You' list for letter F: 1
FX: "done"="finished": 1
Lawler equally: "equally" and comparatives: 1
Lawler smith: Henry Lee Smith: 1
UCLE15: The Tooth Fairy: 1
UCLE09: Holidays: 1
Lawler q-neg: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 1
awwy_C: 'Word With You' list for letter C: 1
awwy_F: 'Word With You' list for letter F: 1
FX: "canola": 1
Lawler quote: "Quote, Unquote": 1
Lawler xmasthat: That vs. Which: 1
UCLE09: Daring: 1
The Rainbow Passage: 1
FX: "limerence"/"limerent": 1
FX: Where to put apostrophes in possessive forms: 1
Lawler canthelp: Can't Help (But) ...: 1
Lawler itsraining: "It" in "It's raining": 1
Showing variation of formants of [i:] with context: 2
UCLE09: Holidays: 3
Unedited list of search results: 1
FX: "alumin(i)um" (notes by Keith Ivey): 1
FX: Do publishers put false info in dictionaries to catch plagiarists?: 3
FX: "true fact": 2
FX: Words whose spelling has influenced their pronunciation: 1
Lawler commas: Commas: 1
Lawler npislands: News Item: 2
Intro A: Dictionary Definitions: 1
Symposium I: The alt.usage.english London Symposium: 1
awwy_F: 'Word With You' list for letter F: 1
FX: "whole cloth" (notes by Ellen Rosen): 2
UCLE11: The: 1
FX: "shouting fire in a crowded theater": 1
FX: "whole cloth" (notes by Ellen Rosen): 1
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