Questions and Answers

SDC 2010: Contents Questions & Answers Scoreboard Results Bottom


Contributor's name
Qn. Title of question Google

Text of question

A. Answer

Note 1: Click on the Google button to see the question's thread in Google Groups, in a new browser window. (At the time this page was created, Google wasn't formatting the results very helpfully. To get a threaded view it was necessary to select a post, then click on Options, then on View as tree. Of course, things might have changed since then.)

Note 2: Answers are initially concealed. To reveal a single answer, click and drag over the area to the right of the "A". To reveal all answers, click here (and to reconceal, click again).

01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . 05 . 06 . 07 . 08 . 09 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15
16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30
31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45
46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 . 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 59 . 60

Jerry Friedman
Q01. All ready? Google

Who is Bic Pen Tameter?

A. "I am."

(Iambic pentameter.)

Jerry Friedman
Q02. Math(s) nerd Google

What fraction appears on the right-hand side in the poem?

Jerry Friedman
Q03. Throwing smoke Google

Fill in the blanks: "This is the major leagues, kid," said Tom __.

"For some reason I only call people "dude" on line," said Tom __.

Two blanks, two sheep.

A. provocatively (pro-vocative); evocatively

Adrian Bailey
Q04. Twittergram Google

Write a sentence of up to 140 characters (including punctuation and spaces) in which no letter is used the same number of times as any other letter. The closer you can get to 140 characters the better, though the best entries may come up a couple of characters short.

Time limit: 48 hours from now.

A. Disable easier target stations; there are real interesting theories about all the Indonesian nationalists and idiots on the starboard side. (James Hogg)

Jerry Friedman
Q05. They saw the tree Google

This is a post by David Picton:

I came across an old thread on this newsgroup. A puzzle question had been set: name 3 verbs - besides "lie" - for which the past tense is the same as the present tense of another verb. Two lists emerged - a "common verbs" list and an "uncommon verbs" list (with literary /archaic verbs or forms). The following verbs were identified for the common verbs list:

bear bore
bind bound
fall fell
lie lay
rend rent
see saw

To which I would add:

spit spat (to spat = argue)

For the uncommon verbs/forms:

bide bode
bite bit (to bit = furnish a horse with a bit)
spin span

To which I can add the following:

speak spoke (to spoke = furnish with spokes)
crow crew (crew = crowed still common in UK, for cry of cockerel)
shear shore (shore = sheared still favoured in Australia/NZ, archaic elsewhere)

A responder added "wind wound" to the common-verbs list.

There's a Cormo for every addition. The only additional examples the Panel knows of are on the uncommon-verbs list.

A. Contestants supplied several dozen words.

Jerry Friedman
Q06. A steal Google

The fly flew. What genus was it?

A. Ablautus.

(Ablaut. "Steal" is because it's a robber fly.)

Jerry Friedman
Q07. But not "Mont" Google

On what planet are Tex, Pal, and Acity aristocratic surnames?

A. Barrayar.

(In sf stories by Lois McMaster Bujold. Barrayaran aristocrats add the prefix "Vor" to their surnames.).

Jerry Friedman
Q08. Sketchy Google

Upper lip, side of top of head, upper lip, side of top of head, throat, side of top of head, upper lip. What is being moved to these positions?

A. A napkin, tissue, handkerchief, etc.
(You pinch it in the middle to be a moustache for "You must pay the rent", a bow for "But I can't pay the rest", a bow tie for "I'll pay the rent." "My hero!" "Curses, foiled again!")

Jerry Friedman
Q09. According to the vice-president of the insurance company Google

Who is the one of bogus jams?

A. Erato (the muse of lyric poetry). See Wallace Stevens's poem "To the One of Fictive Music".

Vinny Burgoo
Q10. No picnic at Hanging Rock Google

A rail town that changed its name when it became a post and rail town is infamous for what happened within rails hung without the town. What happened without the rails gave the language a new "within" word and helped get the man who had them hung hanged.

What is the word?

A. Deadline
Anderson-->Andersonville when the post office was built. Camp Sumter named after the victor of Hanging Rock. The Supreme Court was built on the site of Wirz's hanging.

R H Draney
Q11. In the center Google

Who has stood between Gene Autry and Andy Williams for over thirty years, and where?

A. Hugh Hefner, on Mt. Lee in Griffith Park, Los Angeles.

Each celebrity contributed $27,777 toward the restoration of a single letter of the "HOLLYWOOD" sign in 1978. Autry chose the second L, Hef the Y, and Williams the W.

Q12. And they're not in Oz either Google

They're down under, not up over, and they've got four kinds of love. Who are they and how do they do it (with details, please)?

Paul Wolff
Q13. Good thing I'm not superstitious Google

Why might you not want to play cards with the person represented by these three pictures?

A. Because he's John Wellington Wells, a dealer in magic and spells.

James Hogg
Q14. Not a colleen Google

What do these four quotations have in common? The answer should be the name of a bawn associated with 1 Peter 2:17.

Suffering is one very long moment. We cannot divide it by seasons. We can only record its moods, and chronicle their return.

The tears of the world are a constant quality. For each one who begins to weep, somewhere else another stops.

And the moracle of the story is: He that is sained doesn't let the trows get to him.

Joy to find in every station something still to do or bear.

A. Portora Castle.

It's near Portora Royal School in Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. The authors of all the quotations (Oscar Wilde, Samuel Beckett, our own James Hogg, and Henry F. Lyte) attended that school, and its motto is "Omnes Honorate", from 1 Peter 2:17. A bawn is a wall around an Irish tower house.

Vinny Burgoo
Q15. Cheers!  Google

One month, they celebrated Melina Mercouri by painting their legs. The next, they celebrated themselves by erecting three ambiguous golden glyphs. The official story is that the glyphs are pictograms but they look more like letters from one or more of several different alphabets. One or more of the glyphs might be the wrong way up and one or more of them might be a number. All very mysterious.
Construct a word or number from the three glyphs and explain its significance. You can mix alphabets.

A. Last month, Pilsen's city council unveiled three fountains that are supposed to represent elements from the city's coat of arms: an angel, a female hunting dog and a Bactrian camel. The angel looks like a Roman Y or a Greek upsilon a Hebrew final tzadi or a weird Roman T. The dog looks a lambda or a gimel or an upside-down lower-case Y. The camel looks like an F on its side or a het or a badly made pi.
Example: "fly".

Adrian Bailey
Q16. Blankety-blank Google

What is the subject of this expurgated sentence?

__ 1969 _______ _______ ____ 1,083,000 _____ _________ 869,000 ____, 199,000 ______, _____, ____ ___ _____ __________ ________, ___ 15,000 ____________ ________.

A. British Leyland.

James Hogg
Q17. Limited endurance Google

"Where are the snows of yesteryear?" sang Francois _______. (adverb, 7 letters)

A. Andante.
= "and Dante", as Dante Gabriel Rossetti came up with that translation of Francois Villon's most famous line. "Limited endurance" because Dante is said to be an abbreviation of Durante, enduring; plus the snows have gone.

Adrian Bailey
Q18. Mystery object  Google

A. Bob Moss (the glyphs are Deseret)

Vinny Burgoo
Q19. Immodest material Google

He was briefly a tin magnate, though a tin magnet would have been little stranger than some of the ideas he floated. His cousin once promoted a song that later promoted a shampoo that's now promoted as being even more natural than back then because it now includes a cationic polygalactomannan derived from a plant whose Assyrian name will always be at the top of the long list of his heroically insane failures.

Who was he?

A. Geoffrey Pyke.

The brother is Magnus Pyke and the plant is cassia.

Jerry Friedman
Q20. Gradus ad Parnassum Google

At you will see the beginning of an 18th-century composition, and at you can hear it. One note has been changed, creating a violation of the laws of counterpoint at the time. Identify the wrong note and explain why it's wrong.

A. The B in the bass in measure 13 creates a fourth above the bass that's not resolved.  In the original, the note there is a G# whole note.

Michael Hamm
Q21. Not a repeated question  Google

What's bad about "Mos' High Cabbie Demon" that's good about "gape at bug jaw"?

A. The ease of sending it as a text message (SMS) based on the number of consecutive letters that you press the same key for. If you get my drift.

Jerry Friedman
Q22. There's also a related movie (plural) Google

The first has been played by many actresses, including one who may have been the most famous of her time. The second has been a centerfold and was supplanted in her most famous role by someone who made it more famous. The third was famous for silencing cats and breaking codes. 

Name them all.

A. The answers are Heidi (related to Heide, German for heath, the plant), Erika Eleniak ("Erica" is the scientific name of heath, and Erika E. was replaced by Pamela Anderson on Baywatch) and Heath Robinson. The related movie is "Heathers".

R H Draney
Q23. What's My Function? Google

Here's a YouTube playlist of eight music clips. What's the theme?

A. The lyrics of each song (particularly in the versions shown here) begin with the word "and".
[The slug is the *second* line of the 1970s "Schoolhouse Rock" song "Conjunction Junction", written to explain conjunctions to children.]

R H Draney
Q24. And the Oscar goes to... Google

What's the next movie title in this sequence?

"The Scalphunters"
"Rough Night in Jericho"
"Little Fauss and Big Halsy"
"He and She"
"The Animal"
"School for Sex"
"The Wild Females"

A. "Shaft".

The others appear in order on a series of theatre marquees in the first minute of the film, before the card with the title of the film you're actually watching (at which point the Academy-award winning theme song for the film begins).

None of the other films listed was so much as nominated for an Oscar in any category.

James Hogg
Q25. Good question Google

There's a musical instrument which, if we give credence to one man who plays it, can evoke a barefoot country boy or an impossibly beautiful woman. The Hall of Fame for this instrument is located in a city that received its name from a humble thorn bush.

Name the instrument and the city.

A. The dobro and Trnava.
("Dobro" is apparently Slovakian for "good".)

James Hogg
Q26. Maze Google

This maze begins with a television series in which the title contains an ordinary English word turned into a fictitious proper name by means of a slight change in spelling. A scholar borrowed that title for a book about the world of scholarship, restored the misspelled word to its normal form and added a letter to give another English word. That scholar used similar wordplay in the title of a previous work, deliberately misspelling an English word in order to evoke allusions to an illness etymologically associated with a certain part of the human body. The traditional English name for that organ appears in the title of a raunchy rock song which is a speech-defect play on the name of a famous English novel. The heavy metal band that released the song has a name that looks like an acronym, but the band members insist that the letters do not stand for anything, although there have been ingenious suggestions, for instance that the A might stand for Aryan or Anal. Anyway, in the early 1990s the band put out a video with a title that was, once again, a play on the name of a famous English novel from the previous century, replacing the proper name in the title with the name of a certain part of the human body. That's a Greek word, and the interesting thing is that a Latin cognate of that word refers to an adjacent organ, as well as being the name of an implement. By an interesting semantic development, that Latin implement has yielded an English word referring to an empty-headed person. The same sequence of letters in the English word is the ICAO code for one country's main international airport. In a slightly different spelling, that country has given its name to a hardwood tree. The name of the botanist who is immortalized in the specific part of the scientific name of that tree can be found in the French Wikipedia. There you will also learn that the botanist was a member of a Roman Catholic congregation founded by a priest who was born an aristocrat but died a pauper. The riches-to-rags story of that priest has been told by an author whose surname is also the name of a city which, in a sense, brings us back to where we started.

Name that city and the language to which the wordplaying scholar is married.

A. Troy, English. The rest is left as an exercise.

James Hogg
Q27. He says he went 78 Google

Replace the code numbers with the correct words in the following passage:

"I’m getting on. You wouldn’t believe people once paid to see me at the 46, or that I had my name in 10. Spare us a 29 so’s I can make a 86 the off-licence. Stingy bastard!"

A. Palladium, neon, copper, radon
Atomic numbers of elements. Element 78 is platinum.

Jerry Friedman
Q28. Escape Google

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills. Which celebrity would it be in a horrible future?

A. Oprah Winfrey

In The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood, the few fertile women in the future are forced to be "handmaids" for married men and are named for the men, such as Offred, "of Fred". Oprah Winfrey might belong to Stedman Graham, who she's been in a "spiritual union" with, but not married to, for something like twenty years. "Escape" = "win free".

Adrian Bailey
Q29. Properties Google

Which word has been removed from this cartoon strip?

A. "Messages".

Jerry Friedman
Q30. Poker hand Google

This list is missing only the last item. Please add the referent. For extra credit, add it in a form that fits with the others on the list. Substantiation is required for the extra credit and may be added in a later post.

hill farm
strong man's son
angler (in a whirlpool)
fortified town
courageous power
army guard

A. Fortensky. We don't know the extra-credit answer.

These are the etymological meanings of Elizabeth Taylor's husbands' names: Hilton, Wilding, Todd, Fisher (Eddie), Burton, Richard (Burton again), and Warner. Her most recent husband's name is Larry Fortensky. (The poker hand with four 10s has been nicknamed a "Larry" after him.)

Vinny Burgoo
Q31. A recursive nightmare Google

A. Either (a) 1.7 acres or 0.69 hectares or 7,000 m2 etc. or (b) the world's only international counter-counter-enclave or (c) Dahal Khagrabari #1/51 or simply Dahala Khagrabari (the latter is misleading, DK being the name of a group of enclaves that includes both 51 and 47, but several websites give DK as enclave 51's full name, so it'll do).

The pic is a simplified schematic map of part of the Cooch Behar complex of enclaves. The colours are from the Indian and Bangladeshi flags. The numbers are mostly there to confuse and because we needed some white for the Indian flag. They are ID numbers given to the three enclaves by someone called Banerjee in the 1960s.

James Hogg
Q32. The cure is worse than the disease Google

Shakespeare coined many words and phrases that are still an everyday part of our language. His translators have had the same impact on other languages. One word still used in Swedish, meaning "a sound thrashing", was coined by Carl August Hagberg in his translation of the complete plays of Shakespeare 1847-1851.

The word in Swedish is "rammelbuljong". This is a compound in which the "rammel-" comes from the verb "ramla" ("to fall noisily") and "buljong" is "broth, bouillon". Semantically it is a parallel to the German "Pruegelsuppe" (literally "hiding-soup") and many other terms, in various languages, that compare a good beating to a serving of food. One scholar has suggested that the Swedish word was also coined in imitation of the sound of English "rumbullion" in the sense of "tumult, uproar".

The word "rumbullion", however, is later than Shakespeare. What is the term in Shakespeare's original?

A. "hempen caudle".
(Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 8. A caudle is a nourishing soup made with milk.)

Vinny Burgoo
Q33. Old hat Google

A man spelled like a hat touches his hat and tells a newly hatless bad speller who is trying to put on a new hat to touch the hats of a hatter-humbugging bad-hat who has hung his hat up for good - and that's that!

What was the bus driver's name?

A. Al Stetson, who played the bus driver in the last scene of Midnight Cowboy.

Jerry Friedman
Q34. Rivers Google

A recent AUE post by Evan Kirshenbaum:


the Omrud <> writes:
> On 16/08/2010 17:12, Evan Kirshenbaum wrote:
>> We don't have that on our mailboxes (other than perhaps the ones
>> outside of post offices), but there are two slots inside the post
>> office. My understanding is that by default everything goes to San
>> Francisco for sorting and routing by zip code, but local mail (for
>> this particular zip code) saves the step of transporting it to San
>> Francisco and back and so gets delivered faster. At least
>> theoretically.
> ^
> ^
> ^
> Oh, I say, well done on the great cleft in your paragraph. Not easy
> to do, that.

For full marks it has to read coherently if parsed in columns, though,
so this one fails.

For a full Touabaire, write a paragraph of at least three lines that has a river in it
and reads coherently (in the Panel's judgement) as one column and as two. You may
choose any line length. The position of the empty space should vary by no more
than one character from one line to the next and should stay within a range of
three characters. (For instance, all the empty spaces could be at positions 29,
30, and 31, with no 29 followed by 31 or vice versa.) Words must be spelled correctly,
and spacing between words must be consistent. An additional Cormo if all the spaces
line up vertically, as above.


London was the junction, he knew.  Which way DID this train go to Toronto? 
The faster line through Oakville? He'd had no chance to see the schedule.
Not the Kitchener line, he hoped. But he'd find out soon enough.
(Mark Brader)

Mark then added:
But I suggest that to really make this interesting, at least one sentence
should flow *unbroken* across the river, and the paragraph should be
required, not only to be sensibly readable in two different orders, but
with *different meanings* for the two reading orders. So even if my try
is acceptable, I don't think it's terribly sheepworthy.

James Hogg's answer to this was:
When I entered the room, everyone seemed to stand still, 
expecting something bad, which had never happened before;
an uncanny sensation ran along my spine, all the way down
to the tip of my big toe and out through my sandal, visible
as some subtle trembling in the air, the dreadful quivering
set in. I knew I’d never put an end to the suspense and
escape. A sense of panic made me run like hell. So did fear
put the wind up me.

Adrian Bailey
Q35. Brutal calm Google

Name the architects and supply the missing word.

A. Alison and Peter Smithson, "quietude".

Adrian Bailey
Q36. Take care Google

Some words have been split into two groups.

Group 1: cad, cab, cash, cud, cog, coat, cosh, cause, core, coal, cough, cock, come, cove, cope, cosy, case, corn, comb, care

Group 2: car, code, cod, cat, cadge, cup, cool, cast, coarse, count, cuss, cone, cave, cake, calm, coop, curl, cape

Find another word for group 1 and another word for group 2.

A. Group 1 are words with homophones in d-: dad, dab, dash, dud, dog, dote, dosh, doors, daw, dole, doff, etc. Group 2 are words without homophones in d-.

Vinny Burgoo
Q37. Capitalization Google

"Mma" is to "mevrouw" as "Ramotswe" is to "Waterlo[?]".Supply the missing letter in "Waterlo[?]" and explain.

Which is to say that the letter that is missing must be supplied and an explanation must be supplied also. Yes. Supplied is what the missing letter must be. And not just the missing letter. No. Both the letter and the explanation are missing, in that they are both not there, and they must both be supplied. This is what I am saying. The letter is missing, as I have said, and it must not be missing, and the explanation is missing, as I have also said, and that must not be missing either. These things must both be supplied.

You are very wise, Mma.

A. L.
Alexander McCall Smith invented the name Ramotswe. (He has said so, and there no Ramotswe's in the Botswanan or South African phone books.) He took the name of a town - Ramotswa - that's the same distance south of the Botswanan capital, Gabarone, that Waterloo is south of the Belgian capital, Brussel (the Flemish spelling), and changed the last letter. GabaronE-->RamotswE, BrusseL-->WaterloL.

James Hogg
Q38. A cappella Google

Three members of two categories. Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem in praise of them. Jack Orion swore by them. Two of them fell out of a certain use in English, and the third was never used that way.
What's the use?

A. The objects are the trees oak (quercus or robur), ash, and thorn.  "Ash" and "thorn", but not "oak", also the names of letters that have fallen out of use in English.  So the answer is "used as letters" or similar.

Adrian Bailey
Q39. Not in Rome Google

A. Finland: Ii is a settlement there

Adrian Bailey
Q40. Elements Google

A. New Orleans, Michael Appleton

Roland Hutchinson
Q41. Spielen Sie, bitte Google

Where do you suppose one might start to look for a viol teacher at the highest possible level?

(No sheep for guessing who contributed this question.)

A. In the Gamba/Guru region of Tibet.

(Elevation in the neighborhood of 2 miles/3 km above sea level.);=article&id;=118&Itemid;=72

Adrian Bailey
Q42. Una paraula Google

How often do I go on holiday to Mallorca and where do I stay when I get there?

A. Sometimes (a suburb of Palma)

Adrian Bailey
Q43. Abstrusity Google

The pictures are all clues to which city?

A. Paris

James Hogg
Q44. Great gusto Google

"Come on, how did you translate 'alazoneia'?" Tom _____. (verb)

A. Pried.

Alazoneia is ancient Greek for "pride". (It comes from a word for a traveling quack. The Great Gusto was a cartoon character based on W C Fields, who had a big nose. Said by Wikip to be a snake-oil salesman.)

Adrian Bailey
Q45. Tarka Google

"Keeping Up Appearances"
"Eight Arms to Hold You"
Stefan Raab & Michael Moore
Chris Cagle
The Gunge Tank

What's the link?

A. are clues to surnames of the children in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Adrian Bailey
Q46. Not a distant body of water Google

A. Iran. (It's Catherine Bell.)

Adrian Bailey
Q47. Three quarters Google

What links the following?

fuck, break, relax, work, snooze, sword

(To the best of the Panel's knowledge, this is the first time the word 'snooze' has appeared in an SDC question.)

A. faff, lull, loll, suss, zizz, epee

Vinny Burgoo
Q48. Personal question Google

Where do cows go "baa"?

A. The Isle of Man.

'Baa' is the Manx for 'cow'.

James Hogg
Q49. Eager reader Google

"I've read all the French books I could find about Rennes-le-Chateau," Tom ____. (verb, 4 letters)

A. Said.

Gérard de Sède, pronounced like "said", wrote the book that popularized the conspiracy theories that made the town a tourist trap.

Adrian Bailey
Q50. Just browsing Google

A. the buildings are on the same spot (in Smethwick, England)

James Hogg
Q51. Resolution Google

"I suggest we divide power equally between the Guales and the Malaitans," said Tom ___________ly.

A. Solomonical(ly)
Those are two ethnic groups of the Solomon Islands who fought a civil war in the 1990s.

Adrian Bailey
Q52. Whose great law? Google

A. Mike Caro

Explanation: He's a famous poker player and writer. "Caro's Great Law of Tells: Players are either acting or they aren't. If they are acting, then decide what they want you to do and disappoint them."

Vinny Burgoo
Q53. Rogation Google

Place A sounds like an English verb (1).

Place B is due north of Place A. It can be spelled like an English noun (2) but it is pronounced like the politically incorrect name for an ethnic group. A fictional leader of this ethnic group tried to castrate the politically incorrect English hero of a novel whose author wrote the definitive history of the bandits that Place A celebrates annually.

Place C is the same distance due west of Place B that Place B is due north of Place A. The first part of its name is spelled like an English adjective (3) but pronounced like an English noun (4); the second part is spelled like an English word that can be either a noun or a verb (5).

Place D is the same distance due west of Place C that Place C is due west of Place B. Place D sounds like an English comparative (6) but is actually a local noun.

Place E is the same distance due south of Place D that Place D is due west of Place C. It is the source of a river that is both spelled and pronounced like an English noun (7). A second author of politically incorrect fiction visited this river as a young man and in old age liked to be known by the name of a settlement near its source.

Place F is due east of Place E and due south of Place C. It is the birthplace of someone whose namesake and contemporary wrote a poem that is sung at a 'Place B' (2) in Place A. His name sounds like an English noun (8). The first few words of his namesake's poem haven't been convincingly translated. Two famous lexicographers believed that they refer to two implausible gods. An expert on fallacies popularized an almost equally fallacious interpretation. The first part of the first word of the poem sounds like two unrelated English nouns (9 and 10); its second part sounds like an English noun that is central to an unlucky question in this year's SDC.

Travelling due east from Place F takes you back to Place A and completes the rectangle.

Place G is a tower at the centre of this rectangle. Its name is spelled like an English adjective (12) plus an English noun (13).

A Touabaire for the first person to get all thirteen words right.

A Cormo for the person who constructs the most entertaining tale using all thirteen words.


1: Hoick
2: Gala
3: Dead
4: Deed
5: Side
6: Bigger
7: Tweed
8: Hog
9: Tea
10: Tee
11. Rebus
12: Dry
13: Hope

Example: 'Ye'll have had yer tea.' said Hamish. 'Hoick that dead hog onto its side and we'll cut it up for the gala.' etc.

Jerry Friedman
Q54. Palatal poser Google

When we discussed Pinyin, people mentioned Catalan and Maltese as possible inspirations for the use of "x" to mean a sound resembling /S/ (English "sh"). Portuguese and Old Spanish are other possibilities. Provide evidence of the use of "x" for /S/ in yet another European language.

A. A search for "xuld" will show that it was a spelling of "should" in Middle English. Basque is another.

Adrian Bailey
Q55. Say wha? Google

A. "that nothing on earth is as nice as a baby" or something along those lines

Adrian Bailey
Q56. Five jive Google

Which competition didn't this win this year?

A. Indian Rupee symbol.

Adrian Bailey
Q57. 10.23 Google

A. Filming jiggling pillules on the camera lens

Adrian says, "10:23 is an anti-homeopathy campaign which I was being interviewed about. On the table is a empty tube of pillules, the contents of which the cameraman is jiggling on his lens."

Adrian Bailey
Q58. Treasure chest Google

There's quite a grand building I sometimes walk past here on the way to the central library. Over the lefthand entrance, chiseled in the stone, it says "CITY ANALYST". Over the righthand entrance it says "CITY _____". It's a 14-letter word. What is it?

A. Bacteriologist.

Adrian Bailey
Q59. Hands up Google

What do the following have (precisely) in common?

"When they're tired, children's brains go haywire."
"No news is good news."
"All your pet needs!"

Find another example from the internet.

A. Expressions that can be read two ways without affecting the meaning

Adrian Bailey
Q60. Ode to what? Google

O precious bane
Tormenting joy
Dividing chain
Exacting toy

A. The telephone.

SDC 2010: Contents Questions & Answers Scoreboard Results Top