Interlinear transliterations of ASCII IPA

by Bob Cunningham, with additions by Markus Laker

Webmaster's note: This page is based on a message posted to alt.usage.english by Bob Cunningham in July 1997. Markus Laker provided several corrections to the third transliteration, and a fourth transliteration of his own normal speech. Mike Barnes added a quick-reference key to the transliterations. Bob Cunningham is American. Markus Laker is English.

Sometime in the past few weeks, someone in a.u.e has expressed a wish to see examples of ASCII IPA paired with the same words in normal orthography. Motivated by that wish, and with the thought that others in a.u.e might be interested in seeing specific examples of the stuff alongside its decipherment, I've prepared this posting.

For each line I've interpolated three lines of ASCII IPA, the first representing pronunciations as shown in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and using Kirshenbaum's symbols as shown in the a.u.e FAQ, the second representing the words as I think I pronounce them when I'm speaking casually, and the third representing the RP pronunciations that are shown in The Concise Oxford Dictionary Eighth Edition. In the latter two cases I sometimes use symbols to represent diphthongs that differ from the ones shown in the FAQ in order to more accurately show the variant pronunciations.


English text (BC)
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (BC)
Bob Cunningham's normal speech (BC)
The Concise Oxford Dictionary (BC/ML)
Markus Laker's normal speech (ML)


Sometime in the past few weeks, someone in a.u.e has
['sVm,tAIm In D@ p&st fju: wi:ks], ['sVmw@n In] a.u.e [h&z
['sVm,tAim In D- p&st fju: wi:ks], ['sVmw@n In] a.u.e [h&z
['sVmtaIm In D@ pA:st fju: wi:ks], ['sVmwVn In] a.u.e [h&z
['sVmtaIm In D@ pA:st fju: wi:ks], ['sVmwVn In] a.u.e [h@z

expressed a wish to see examples of ASCII IPA paired with
Ik'sprEst @ wIS t@ si: Ig'z&mp@lz @v] ASCII IPA [p&rd wID
@ksprEst @ wIS t@ si: @g'z&mpl-z @v] ASCII IPA [pErd w@D
Ik'sprEst @ wIS t@ si: Ig'zA:mp@lz @v] ASCII IPA [pE@d wID
Ik'sprEst @ wIS t@ si: Ig'zA:mp@lz @v] ASCII IPA [pE:d wID

the same words in normal orthography. Motivated by
D@ seIm wVrdz In 'nO:rm@l O:r'TA:gr@fi:]. [moUt@veIt@d bAI
D- sEim w@rdz In 'nO:rml- O:r'TA:gr@,fi:]. [mout@vEit@d bAi
D@ seIm w@:dz In 'nO:m@l O:']. [m@UtI'veItId baI
D@ seIm wV":dz In 'nO:m@l O:']. ['m@UtI,veItId baI

that wish, and with the thought that others in a.u.e might be
D&t wIS], [&nd wID D@ TOt D&t VD@rz In] a.u.e [mAIt bi:
D&t wIS], [n- wID D@ TA:t D@t VD@rz In] a.u.e [mAit bi:
D&t wIS], [&nd wID D@ TO:t D&t 'VD@z In] a.u.e [maIt bi:
D&t wIS], [@n wID D@ TO:t D@t 'VD@z In] a.u.e [maIt bi:

interested in seeing specific examples of the stuff
'Int@r@st@d In si:IN spI'sIfIk Igz&mp@lz A:v D@ stVf
'Intr@st@d In si:iN sp@'sIf@k @gz&mpl-z @v D- stVf
'IntrEstId In si:IN spI'sIfIk Ig'zA:mp@lz A.v D@ stVf
'Intr@stId In si:IN sp@'sIfIk Ig'zA:mp@lz @v D@ stVf

alongside its decipherment, I've prepared this posting.
@'lONsAId Its di:'sAIf@rm@nt], [AIv prip&rd DIs poUstIN].
@'lA:NsAid Its d@'sAif@rm@nt], [Aiv pr@pErd DIs pousti:N].
@'lA.NsaId Its dI'saIf@m@nt], [aIv pri'pE@d DIs p@UstIN].
@'lA.NsaId Its di'saIf@m@nt], [aIv prI'pE:d DIs p@UstIN].

For each line I've interpolated three lines of ASCII IPA,
[fO:r i:tS lAIn AIv In'tVrp@,leIt@d Tri: lAInz Vv] ASCII IPA,
[fO:r i:tS lAin Aiv @n't@rp@lEit@d Tri: lAinz @v] ASCII IPA,
[f@r i:tS laIn aIv In't@:p@l,eItId Tri: laInz A.v] ASCII IPA,
[f@r i:tS laIn aIv In'tV":p@l,eIt@d Tri: laInz @v] ASCII IPA,

the first representing pronunciations as shown in
[D@ fVrst ,rEprI'zEntIN pr@,nVnsi:'eIS@nz &z SoUn In
[D@ f@rst ,rEpr@'zEnti:N pr@,nVnsi:'EiS@nz @z Soun In
[D@ f@:st ,rEprI'zEntIN pr@,nVnsI'eIS@nz &z S@Un In
[D@ fV":st ,rEpr@'zEntIN pr@,nVnsI'eIS@nz @z S@Un In

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and using
Merriam-[wEbst@rz k@'li:dZ@t 'dIkS@,nEri:] [&nd ju:zIN
['mEri@m]-[wEbst@rz k@'l:dZ@t 'dIkS@n,Eri:] [n- ju:zi:N]
Merriam-Webster's [k@'li:dZ@t 'dIkS@nrI] [&nd ju:zIN]
'mEri@m 'wEbst@z k@'li:dZ@t 'dIkS@n@ri @nd 'ju:zIN

Kirshenbaum's symbols as shown in the a.u.e FAQ, the
Kirshenbaum's ['sImb@lz &z SoUn In D@ eI ju: i:] FAQ, [D@
['K@rS@n,bA:mz 'sImb@lz @z Soun In D@ Ei ju: i: f&k], D@
Kirshenbaum's ['sImb@lz &z S@Un In D@ eI ju: i:] FAQ, [D@
'kV:"S@n,baUmz 'sImb@lz @z S@Un In Di eI ju: i: f&k], [D@

second representing the words as I think I pronounce them
'sEk@nd ,rEprI'zEntIN D@ wVrdz &z AI TINk AI pr@'nAUns DEm
'sEk@nt ,rEpr@'zEnti:N D@ w@rdz @z Ai Ti:Nk Ai pr@'nAuns D@m
'sEk@nd ,rEprI'zEntIN D@ w@:dz &z aI TINk aI pr@'naUns DEm
'sEk@nd ,rEpr@'zEntIN D@ wV":dz @z aI TINk aI pr@'naUns D@m

when I'm speaking casually, and the third representing the
wEn AIm 'spi:kIN 'k&Zw@li:], [&nd D@ T@rd ,rEprI'zEntIN D@
wEn Aim spi:ki:N 'k&Z@li:], [n- D@ T@rd ,rEpr@'zEnti:N D@
wEn aIm spi:kIN 'k&ZU@li], [&nd D@ T@:d ,rEprI'zEntIN D@
wEn aIm spi:kIN 'k&ZUli], [@n D@ TV":d ,rEpr@'zEntIN Di

RP pronunciations that are shown in The Concise Oxford
A:r pi: pr@,nVnsi:'eIS@nz D@t A:r SoUn In] [D@ k@n'sAIs 'A:ksf@rd
A:r pi: pr@,nVnsi:'EiS@nz D@t @r Soun In] [D@ k@n'sAis 'A:ksf@rd
A: pi: pr@,nVnsI'eIS@nz D&t A: S@Un In] [D@ k@n'saIs 'A.ksf@d
A: pi: pr@,nVnsI'eIS@nz D@t @ S@Un In] _[D@ k@n'saIs 'A.ksf@d

Dictionary Eighth Edition. In the latter two cases I sometimes
'dIkS@,nEri:]_ [eItT I'dIS@n]. [In D@ 'l&t@r tu: 'keIs@z AI 'sVm,tAImz
'dIkS@n,Eri:]_ [EitT @'dIS@n]. [In D@ 'l&d@r tu: 'kEis@z Ai 'sVm,tAimz
'dIkS@nrI]_ [eItT 'IdIS@n]. [In D@ 'l&t@ tu: 'keIsIz aI 'sVmtaImz
'dIkS@n@rI]_ [eItT I'dIS@n]. [In D@ 'l&t@ tu: 'keIsIz aI 'sVmtaImz

use symbols to represent diphthongs that differ from the ones shown in
ju:z 'sImb@lz tu: ,rEprI'zEnt 'dIfTONz D&t 'dIf@r frVm D@ wVnz SoUn In
ju:z 'sImb@lz t- .rEpr@'zEnt 'dIfTA:Nz D@t 'dIf@r fr@m D@ wVnz Soun In
ju:z 'sImb@lz t@ ,rEprI'zEnt 'dIfTA.Nz D&t 'dIf@ frA.m D@ wVns S@Un In
ju:z 'sImb@lz t@ ,rEprI'zEnt 'dIfTA.Nz D@t 'dIf@ [email protected] D@ wVns S@Un In

the FAQ in order to more accurately show the variant
D@ f&k In 'O:rd@r tu: mO:r '&kj@r@t,li: SoU D@ 'vEri:@nt
D@ f&k In 'O:rd@r t@ mO:r '&kj@r@t,li: Sou D@ 'vEri:@nt
D@ f&k In 'O:d@ t@ mO: '&kjUr@tlI S@U D@ 'vE@rI@nt
D@ f&k In 'O:d@ t@ mO: '&kjUr@tlI S@U D@ 'vE:rI@nt


[Markus adds: To keep things sane, I've used the pronunciation /f&k/ for 'FAQ' in this transcription, even though I normally say /Ef eI kju:/.]