Concordance index for 'ce' onwards
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:CE :ceakes :ceann :ceasar :cease :Cecchini :Cechony :Cecil :CED :Ced :cedilla :Cedilnik :Cedric :CEEL :Ceel :CEL :Cel :celebrate :celebrated :celebrates :Celebrating :celebrities :celibate :cellars :cellophane :CELLPADDING :cells :CELLSPACING :cellular :celluloid :Celsius :celtic :Celts :cement :cementing :cemetery :censor :Censorship :cent
- AWWY: amounts to a hill of beans; beans, amounts to a hill of; cent, not worth a red; Little Currency; diddly, diddling, diddle; hill of beans, amounts to a; rap, worth a; red cent, not worth a; tinker's damn, not giving a; worth a red cent / rap /tinker's damn, not: 3
- Lawler: Since you ask, here's a moderately complete list of polarity items,: 1
- Lawler: Can't Help (But) ...: 2
- Lawler: Indian English: 1
- Lawler: Negative Polarity Items: 2
- Morris: Red Cent: 1
:centaur :centenary :CENTER :center :centers :centillion :central :centralized :centre :centred :centres :centroid :cents :centuries :century :century's :Ceo :cera :ceramic :Cerberus :cereal :cerebration :ceremony :Cerf :Cern :Cert'nly :certain :certainly :certainty :cerus :Cesar :cesarean :cessation :cesspool
- AWWY: apple, Irish; bouquet, Irish; cesspool, emptying of a (derogatory Irish term); cobwebs (derogatory Irish term); confetti, Irish; draperies, Irish; Getting One's Irish Up; Irish terms, derogatory; Irish up, getting one's; lantern, Irish; mail, Irish; moon (derogatory Irish term); potato (derogatory Irish term); potatoes, sack of (derogatory Irish term); sack of potatoes (derogatory Irish term): 1
:cetera :ceteras :Ceylon :Ceyx :Cfl :Cfm :Cfr :Cfs :CG :CGEL :Cgel :Cgi :Cgpm :Cgs
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