Concordance index for 'co' onwards
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:CO :co-occur
- Lawler: Tense and related topics: 1
- Lawler: Usage of "the hell": 1
:co-workers :coach :coaches :coal-black :coal-pit :coalesced :coalin :coals :coarse :coarsely :coast :coastguard's :coat :coating :coats :Cob :cobblahs :cobble-floor :Cobblers :cobby :coble :cobles :Cobley :Cobol :Cobot :COBUILD :Cobuild :Cobuilder's :Coburn :Cobweb :cobwebs
- AWWY: apple, Irish; bouquet, Irish; cesspool, emptying of a (derogatory Irish term); cobwebs (derogatory Irish term); confetti, Irish; draperies, Irish; Getting One's Irish Up; Irish terms, derogatory; Irish up, getting one's; lantern, Irish; mail, Irish; moon (derogatory Irish term); potato (derogatory Irish term); potatoes, sack of (derogatory Irish term); sack of potatoes (derogatory Irish term): 1
:Coby :Coca :Coca-Cola :Cocaine :Cochran :cock :cock-up :cockaloft :cockamamie :cocked :cockered :cockfight :cockles :cockney :Cockneys :Cockpit :cocks :Cocktail :COD :Cod :COD10 :COD4 :COD5 :COD6 :COD7 :COD8 :COD9 :coda
- Lawler: As far as ... goes/is concerned: 2
:code :codeine :codes :Codex :codger :cods :Codswallop :Coe :COED :coed :coerced :coexist :CofE :coffee :coffeehouse :coffeehouses :Coffey :Coffey's :coffin
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