Concordance index for 'ne' onwards
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- Lawler: Vowels Before R: 1
:ne'er :nea :nean :near :near-hit :near-mud :near-snow :nearer :nearest
- Lawler: Phrasal Verbs: 2
- Preface
: 1
:nearly :neat :neath :neatly :neatness :Neato :neb :Nebbish :Nebbishy :Nebenzahl :Nebraska :Nebuchadnezzar :Nec :necesario :necessarily :NECESSARY :necessary :Necessary-class :necesse :necessitate :Necessitive :necessity :neck
- AWWY: Albatross around one's neck; accumulate; pennies, pretty; Penny For Your Thoughts, A; pretty penny; slush fund: 1
- AWWY: Albatross around one's neck; burden of a dead bird; neck, albatross around one's: 2
- AWWY: Grinding It Out; grind, the old; grist for the mill; mill, grist for the; milling about; mills of the gods grind slowly...; millstone around his neck; neck, millstone around his; old grind, the; run of the mill: 2
- AWWY: ankle, break an; break a leg, knee, your neck, or an ankle (various meanings of); knee, break a; leg, break a; neck, break your; Those Are the Breaks: 2
- FX: "Break a leg!": 2
- Morris: Neck of woods: 1
- Quinion: Through the mill: 1
- RH WotD: neck of the woods: 1
- Wilton: Neck of the Woods: 1
- Yaelf: (WD) What is the origin of "to have a millstone around one's neck"? "put through the mill"? "all is grist for the mill"? "keeping your nose to the grindstone"? "run of the mill"?: 1
- Yaelf: What is the origin of "an albatross around one's neck"?: 1
- Yaelf: What is the origin of "this neck of the woods"? "our neck of the woods?": 2
- AUE: London Boink, December 2001: 1
- AUE: London Millennium Boink, December 1999: 1
- Cambodunum
: 2
:Necks :Ned :Neddy :nede :nee :need :needed :needing :needle :Needles :needless :needn't :needs :neet :neet-hags :Neet-hawks :neet-time :neets :nefarious :neg :Neg-Q :negate :negated :negates :negating :negation :negative :NEGATIVES :negatives :negotiates :Negro :Negroes :Nehmo :neice :neigh :neighbor :neighborhood :neighborhoods :neighbour :neighbours :Neil :neither :neItoU :Nellie :Nelly
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