Concordance index for 'pr' onwards
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:Praat :practical :practically :practice :practices :practicing :practicle :practise :pragmatic :Pragmatically :pragmatics :praise :prancin :pranks :Prar :Prasad :Prat :Prat3 :pratchett :pray :prayed :prayer :prayers :prays :Prc :pre :pre-eminently :pre-Germanic :pre-modern :PRE-PACKED :pre-school :preach :preacher :Preachin's :Prebuttal :precarious :precautions :precede :preceded :precedence :precedent :precedents :precedes :preceding :precept :Precepts :precious :precipitate :precipitous :precise :precisely :precision :precludes :precocious :predate :predates :predecessor :predesign :predicate :Predicate-Dual :predicated :predicates :predict
- Lawler: Phrasal Verbs: 1
- Lawler: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 1
:predictable :predictably :predicted :prediction
- Lawler: >> That is, the voicing assimilation that makes these morphemes voiceless: 1
- Lawler: That is, the voicing assimilation that makes these morphemes voiceless: 1
:predicts :predominant :predominantly :predominate :predominately :preempt :preemptory :Preenin :preface :prefaces :Prefatory :prefer :preferable :preferably :preference :preferences :preferred :prefers :prefix :prefixal :prefixed :prefixes :prefixing :pregnant :pregunta :prehistorical :prehistory :prejudice :prejudiced :preliminary :preload :Prelude :prematurely :premier :premiere :premise :premises :Prentice :preoccupation :prep :preparation :preparatory :prepare :prepared :prepares :preparing :prepend :prepended :preplanning :prepone :preposition :preposition><noun :preposition-noun :prepositional :prepositions :prepped
- Lawler: He, she, they?: 2
:preppie :preppies :Preppy :prequel :prerogative
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