Concordance index for 'des' onwards
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:des :descendant :descendants :descended :descendents :descending :descent :Desconocidos :describe :described :describes
- Audio:
Received pronunciation
: 1
- FX: Online usage guides: 1
- Lawler: >> That is, the voicing assimilation that makes these morphemes voiceless: 1
- Lawler: "Correctness": 1
- Lawler: Canadian and American Raising: 1
- Lawler: Verbing Nouns: 1
- UCLE08: Britannia: Her history,
: 1
- UCLE09: “Bloody”
: 1
- UCLE14: Cripplegate and Crutched
: 1
- UCLE14: Literary characters who became
: 3
- Yaelf: What word describes a person who blathers (talks nonsense)?: 1
- Yaelf: What word describes a person who is unfailingly boring?: 1
- Yaelf: What word describes poor handwriting or bad spelling?: 1
- Yaelf: What word describes redundancies like "PIN number"? "Advanced planning"?: 1
- Yaelf: What word describes the "shimmering" illusion one sees over swimming pools and small ponds?: 1
- Yaelf: What word describes the act of removing the inserts (advertisements, etc) from a Sunday newspaper?: 1
:describing :description :descriptions :descriptive :Descriptivism :descriptivist
- Lawler: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 10
:descriptivists :descriptors :deselected
- Lawler: Negative Polarity Items: 1
:desert :deserted :desertion :deservedly :deserving :Desh :Desiderata :desiderative :design :designate :designated :designation :designations :designed :designer :designers :designing :designs :desirability :desirable
- FX: Subjunctive: 1
- Garbl: desirable: 1
- UCLE03: Lindsay
: 1
- Yaelf: (WD) The bee's knees informally means the best, the most desirable. How did the saying originate?: 1
:desire :desired :desires :desirous :desist :desk :desking :desktop :Desmond :desolate-minded :despair :despaired :desperados :desperandum :desperate :despert :despise :despises :despite :dessert :desserts :destinations :destiny :destroy :destroyed :destruction :destructive :desultory :Det
- Cunningham: Individual poster histories - alt.usage.english: 1
:detach :detail
- FX: Online dictionaries: 1
- Lawler: Since you ask, here's a moderately complete list of polarity items,: 1
:detailed :details :detain :detect :detected :Detection :detective :deteriorate :determination :determine :determined :determiners :determines :determining :deterrent :detest :detonated :detoured :Detroit :deuce :Deus :Deutsch :Devanagari :devastating :developed :development :developmental :developments :Deveson
- Cunningham: Individual poster histories - alt.usage.english: 1
:deviant :deviating :device :devices :devil :Devil's :devil-may-care :devious :devise :devised :Devlin
- Cunningham: Individual poster histories - alt.usage.english: 1
:devo :devoicing :devolved :Devon :devoted :devotees :dew :Dewer :dews :dexamethasone :Dexamyl :dexterity :DFC :Dfc :Dgitc :Dgm :dhaet :dhe :dhis :Dhl :dhow
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