Concordance index for 'be' onwards
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:BE :be-alls :Bea :Beach :Beacon :bead
- Lawler: There are at least 11 phonemically distinct vowels in standard American: 1
:beadle :beads :Beale :Beale's :bealin :beamish :Bean :beans :bear :beard :bearding :bearer :bearin :bearing :bearings :bears :beast :Beastly :beasts :beat :beater :Beatific :beating :Beatles :beatniks :beats :beau :Beauchemin :Beaumont :beaurocracy :beaut :beautiful :beauty :beaverboard :Bebbington :became :because
- AUE Logo: The Totally Official alt.usage.english Logo: 1
- Abbreviations:
Unedited list of search results
: 1
- Audio:
The spoken texts
: 1
- Audio:
Technical information
: 1
- Brians: reason because: 1
- Brians: since vs. because: 1
- Cunningham: Explanatory Remarks: 1
- Emphasis quotes: AUE: Use of Quotation Marks for Emphasis: 2
- FX: "-er" vs "-re": 1
- FX: "-ize" vs "-ise": 1
- FX: "Caesarean section": 2
- FX: "Enquiring minds want to know.": 1
- FX: "God rest you merry, gentlemen": 2
- FX: "ISO": 2
- FX: "It's me" vs "It is I": 2
- FX: "O.K.": 1
- FX: "SOS": 1
- FX: "The exception proves the rule.": 1
- FX: "a"/"an" before abbreviations: 4
- FX: "acronym": 1
- FX: "beg the question": 3
- FX: "bloody": 1
- FX: "canola": 1
- FX: "catch-22": 1
- FX: "company is" vs "company are": 2
- FX: "eighty-six"="nix": 2
- FX: "flammable": 1
- FX: "jerry-built"/"jury-rigged": 1
- FX: "like" vs "such as": 1
- FX: "merkin": 1
- FX: "mouses" vs "mice": 1
- FX: "peter out": 1
- FX: "posh": 2
- FX: "put in one's two cents' worth": 1
- FX: "sirloin"/"baron of beef": 1
- FX: "that" vs "which": 2
- FX: "to call a spade a spade": 1
- FX: "wait for the other shoe to drop": 1
- FX: Books on Britishisms, Canadianisms, etc.: 1
- FX: Commonest words: 1
- FX: Diacritics: 1
- FX: Dictionaries: 3
- FX: Gender-neutral pronouns: 1
- FX: Origin of the dollar sign: 4
- FX: Rhotic vs non-rhotic, intrusive "r": 1
- FX: Split infinitive: 1
- FX: Typo: 1
- FX: What is "ghoti"?: 1
- FX: Why do we say "30 years old", but "a 30-year-old man"?: 1
- FX: Words whose spelling has influenced their pronunciation: 1
- FX: Words without vowels: 3
- Garbl: because , since: 1
- Garbl: reason why , reason is because: 1
- Genitive: AUE: Genitive is Not Always Possessive: 1
- Groups: AUE: "company is" and "company are": 2
- I before E:
Extensions to the rule that have been suggested:
: 2
- IPA II: The symbol /A./ has been included only because at least one AUE contributor has
: 1
- IPA I:
Help to complete this page!
: 1
- IPA I:
Slashes or square brackets?
: 1
- IPA I:
What is this?
: 1
- IPA I:
: 1
- IPA I:
: 1
- Intro C:
"beg the question"
: 3
- Intro D:
"A" or "an"
: 3
- Intro D:
Acronyms and other abbreviations using initial letters
: 1
- Intro D:
Why do we say "30 years old" but "a 30-year-old man"?
: 1
- Intro E:
I before E except after C
: 1
- Intro E:
What is "ghoti"?
: 1
- Isles:
GREAT BRITAIN. Used by cartographers to denote the biggest
: 1
- Lawler: -- more followup:: 1
- Lawler: >> That is, the voicing assimilation that makes these morphemes voiceless: 1
- Lawler: >>> The facts of the matter are these:: 3
- Lawler: >Just one question: Where does the past perfect ("have gone", "have sung"): 1
- Lawler: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 5
- Lawler: I suspect much of the rancor that greets spellings of had've is: 1
- Lawler: That is, the voicing assimilation that makes these morphemes voiceless: 1
- Lawler: You may have noticed the Sapir quotation in my .sig.: 2
- Lawler: "Quote, Unquote": 2
- Lawler: "amn't": 4
- Lawler: "equally" and comparatives: 1
- Lawler: "only": 2
- Lawler: A or An Historical Novel?: 3
- Lawler: Alumin(i)um: 1
- Lawler: Aural and Oral, Boy and Buoy: 1
- Lawler: Bring vs Take: 3
- Lawler: Can't Help (But) ...: 1
- Lawler: Commas: 3
- Lawler: English Language History, with excursus on Technology: 4
- Lawler: Extraposition, plus Selected Short Subjects: 2
- Lawler: Hafta and Other Modal Paraphrases: 2
- Lawler: He, she, they?: 7
- Lawler: Headline grammar: 1
- Lawler: Indian English: 2
- Lawler: Negative Polarity Items: 2
- Lawler: Object Complements: 2
- Lawler: Phrasal Verbs: 1
- Lawler: Phrasal Verbs: 2
- Lawler: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 4
- Lawler: Reams: 4
- Lawler: Schwa and Central Vowels: 2
- Lawler: So Much For Spelling Reform: 3
- Lawler: Tense and related topics: 1
- Lawler: That vs. Which: 1
- Lawler: There are also two kinds of relative clauses:: 2
- Lawler: Toward(s) and Beside(s): 1
- Lawler: Two kinds of "that-clauses": 2
- Lawler: Usage of "the hell": 1
- Lawler: anymore: 1
- Lawler: gonna: 3
- Lawler: hadn't've: 3
- Lawler: striddly: 1
- Lawler: zilch: 2
- Links: Color charts
: 1
- Links: Miscellaneous, not language related
: 1
- Links: Notes
: 2
- Subjunctive?: AUE: Does English Have a Subjunctive Mood?: 1
- UCLE02: The history of ucle: 2
- UCLE03: A uk.culture.language.english
: 1
- UCLE03: Lindsay
: 2
- UCLE08: Britannia: Her history,
: 1
- UCLE09: “Bloody”
: 1
- UCLE09: “It went pear-shaped”
: 1
- UCLE09: Literary
: 1
- UCLE10: The
: 1
- UCLE12: News
: 3
- What's new?:
18 December 2001
: 1
- What's new?:
2 September 2001:
: 1
- Yaelf: (WD) Do you know where the phrase Frick and Frack originated? I'm sure it wasn't because of the Back Street Boys.: 1
- Yaelf: (WD) I am interested in the phrase hammer and tongs because it is used by our fraternity (Theta Tau, a professional fraternity for engineering students). We are of the belief that this is a very old English phrase: 1
- 2. England and Wales
: 2
- 6. The British Isles
: 1
- AUE Gallery: Padraig Breathnach: 5
- AUE: "anymore" and "any more": 1
- AUE: Comments on a Proposal for Reformed English Spelling: 2
- AUE: Does Mark Barratt's recording of "catamaran" have a plosive "t"?: 1
- AUE: Showing variation of formants of [i:] with context: 1
- AUE: Showing variation of formants of [i:] with context: 1
- AUE: Summer Boink, London, June 1999: 2
:beck :Beckett209 :Beckman :becks :Beckwith :become :becomes :becoming
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