Concordance index for 'no' onwards
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:no-archive :no-BS :no-nonsense :no-one :noa :Noah :Noah's :Noam
- Yaelf: Noam Chomsky interviewed by the British Broadcasting Corporation: 1
:noan :nobbut :Nobel :nobilite :nobility :noble :nobles :noblewoman :nobody :Nobody's
- Lawler: He, she, they?: 1
:Nocebo :nocifer
- Cunningham: Individual poster histories - alt.usage.english: 1
:nod's :NODE :Node :nodules :noggin :noggincottage :Noh
- Lawler: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 1
:Noi :Noip :noise :noises :Noisy :Nolan :Nolfi :Nolst :Nom :Nome :nomenclators :nomic :nomics :nominal :nominals
- Lawler: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 4
:nomination :nominative :Nominative-Transfer :nominee :non :non-American :non-Americans :non-aspirated
- Lawler: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 1
:non-circular :non-clausemate :non-dialectal :non-dramatic :non-English :non-FAQ-type :non-finite :non-foolproof :non-gender
- Lawler: He, she, they?: 1
:Non-gliding :non-IE :non-immediately :non-incorporated :non-linguist :non-native :non-phonetic :non-possessive :non-productive :non-red
- Lawler: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 1
:non-regional :non-restrictive :non-restrictively :non-restrictives :non-rhotic :non-Roman :non-scripted :non-standard :non-TABLE :non-US
- Lawler: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 1
- Lawler: Alumin(i)um: 1
:Non-Use :non-velarized :nonce :nonchalant :noncontroversial
- Garbl: noncontroversial: 1
:Nondiscriminatory :none :nonetheless :nonexistent :nonillion :nonindigenous :nonmotorized :nonplussed :Nonpulmonic-consonants :NONRESTRICTIVE :nonrestrictive :nonrhotic :nonsense :nonstandard :noo :nook :noon :noone :nor :Norfolk :norm :Norma :normal :normalcy :normalisation :normally :NORMAN :norman :Normandy :Normans :Norris :Norse :Norsemen :north :north-east :North-Sea :north-west :northbound :Northeast :Northeastern :NORTHERN :northern :northernmost :Northridge :Northwestern :Norway :Norway's :Norwegian :Nos :nose
- AWWY: Barrelhead...Pay Through the Nose; bookkeeping on the cuff; cash on the barrelhead/spot; celluloid cuff for bookkeeping; cuff, putting it on the; nose, paying through the; pay through the nose; portable cuffs and collars; slitting the nose: 4
- AWWY: Right On!; done to a turn; dot i s and cross t s; meticulousness (Right On!); nose, on the; right as rain; T, suit to a; turn, done to a: 1
- AWWY: The Nose Knows; iniquity, odor of; joint, nose out of; Marcellus in Hamlet (something is rotten in the state of Denmark); Nose Knows, the; nose out of joint; odor of sanctity/iniquity; rotten in the state of Denmark, something is (The Nose Knows); smell a rat; stunk to high heaven; what's the stink really all about?: 5
- AWWY: believing, seeing is; blinked, ...and they; Doubting Thomas; eye opener; Eye! Eye! Eye!; eyeball to eyeball; face to face; head to head; nose to nose; opener, eye; quatrocchi, a; see eye to eye; seeing is believing; shut-eye; There is less in this man than meets the eye; Thomas, Doubting: 2
- FX: "God rest you merry, gentlemen": 1
- FX: Gender-neutral pronouns: 3
- Lawler: Indian English: 1
- Morris: Bumps Under Nose: 1
- Morris: Nose Out of Joint: 1
- Morris: Nose of Wax: 1
- Morris: On the Nose: 1
- Quinion: Through the mill: 1
- RH WotD: brown-nose: 1
- RH WotD: nose to the grindstone: 1
- Yaelf: (WD) What is the origin of "to have a millstone around one's neck"? "put through the mill"? "all is grist for the mill"? "keeping your nose to the grindstone"? "run of the mill"?: 1
- Cambodunum
: 1
:nose-screw :nosebleed :noses :Nosey :nosh :nosism :nosopoetic :Nospam :Nospork :nostalgia :Nostalgic :noster :nostril :Nostrils :nostrum :Nosy
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