Concordance index for 'ap' onwards
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- Yaelf: Michigan Court Revokes 1897 State Law Against Swearing (AP): 1
:Apa :apart :apartment :Apdd :ape :apes :Apex :Aph :aphaeresis :aphasia :apheresis :aphesis :Aphrodisias :Aphrodite :Api :Apiary :Apiece :Apl :apocope :apocrisis :apocryphal :apodosis :Apollo :apologetic :Apologie :apologies :apologize :Apology :apophasis :Apoptosis :aporia :aposiopesis :apostophe :apostrophe :apostrophes :apothecary :Apotheosis :apparatus :apparel :apparent :apparently :appeal :Appeals :appear :appearance :appeared :appearing :appears :append :appended :appendices :appendix :appendixes :appetite :applaud :applause :apple
- AWWY: A as in Apple; Big Apple, The; manzana (apple?); smart apples: 3
- AWWY: Apple Pie Order; apple of discord; apple polisher; discord, apple of: 4
- AWWY: Pupil...Apple of One's eye...Precocious; apple of one's eye; brats, precocious ones; eye, the apple of one's; students, precocious ones; teachers and their favorites: 3
- AWWY: apple, Irish; bouquet, Irish; cesspool, emptying of a (derogatory Irish term); cobwebs (derogatory Irish term); confetti, Irish; draperies, Irish; Getting One's Irish Up; Irish terms, derogatory; Irish up, getting one's; lantern, Irish; mail, Irish; moon (derogatory Irish term); potato (derogatory Irish term); potatoes, sack of (derogatory Irish term); sack of potatoes (derogatory Irish term): 1
- FX: "done"="finished": 1
- Morris: Big Apple: 1
- Quinion: Apple of one's eye: 1
- UCLE14: Slang Names for British Currency
: 1
- What's new?:
2 September 2001:
: 1
- Wilton: Big Apple: 1
- Yaelf: (IPL) Why is New York City called "The Big Apple"?: 1
- Yaelf: Why is New York City called The Big Apple?: 1
AUE people
: 1
- AUE: The Big Apple Boink, July 2001: 2
:apples :applesauce :applicable :application :applications :applied :applies :apply :applying :Appo :appoint :appointed :apportioning :apportions :apposite :Apposition :appositive :appositives :appraise :appreciate :apprentice :apprentices :apprise :apprize :approach :approachable :Approaches :approaching :appropriate :appropriateness :approval :approve :approved :approximate :approximated :approximately :approximation :apr :April :apropos :apt :aptest :aptronym :Apuleius :Apurbva :aput :Aquadextrous :Aqualung :aqualunger
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