Concordance index for 'bi' onwards
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- Garbl: biannual, biennial: 1
:bias :bias-free :biased :bib :bible :biblical
- AWWY: The Time is Ripe; down to the wire; eleventh hour, Biblical origins of phrase; hour, the eleventh (Biblical origins of phrase); nick of time, in the; ripe, the time is (Shakespearean origin of phrase); Time is Ripe, The; wire, down to and under: 2
- AWWY: act, cleaning up your; books made of leaves; cleaning up your act; house, set thine in order (Biblical origin); leaves of books?; new leaves, turning over; pages and leaves; Turning Over New Leaves: 1
- AWWY: autograph; graffiti; handwriting on the wall, biblical origins of; Kilroy was here (famous graffiti); Write On!: 1
- AWWY: babble; Babel, Tower of (Biblical story); language confounded (Tower of Babel); Tower of Babel...Babbling: 1
- AWWY: biblical ghosts; Caxton, William (the ghost); ghost, gave up the (biblical phrase); Giving up the Ghost (Writer); writer, ghost: 2
- AWWY: big stick, the (Roosevelt); branch, olive; fencing and sticklers; olive branch, biblical origins of; shtick; stick, the big; umpires for fencing (sticklers): 1
- FX: "Go figure": 1
- FX: "jerry-built"/"jury-rigged": 1
- FX: Biblical sense of "to know": 5
- Fast FAQ:
[Prefatory remarks]
: 1
- A ucle resource page: 1
- A ucle resource page: 1
:bibliog :bibliographies :bibliography :Bibliomania :BICYCLES :bid :bidden :bidding :Biddy :bide :bidin :bield :biennial
- Garbl: biannual, biennial: 1
:bifurcation :big
- AWWY: A as in Apple; Big Apple, The; manzana (apple?); smart apples: 1
- AWWY: Big Macs; Burgers et al; hamburger; Menches, Charles and Frank (burgers); mustard, we are the; White Castle (burgers); Whopper (burgers); Wimpeyburgers: 1
- AWWY: Major and Bush Leagues; big league; bush league; major league; minor league: 1
- AWWY: airs, putting on; big for boots or britches; big heads; boots, too big for; britches, too big for; couture, haute; cuisine, haute; haughty; haute couture or cuisine; head, swollen or big; highfalutin; hoity-toity; hot air, full of; hoyden; humility; inflated egos, euphemisms for; Our Inflated Ego; swollen heads: 5
- AWWY: alias; alibi; arm of the law, long; Laying Down the Law; Big Cheeses and Muck-a-Mucks; cheeses, the big; culprit; fromage, le grand (big cheese); grand fromage (big cheese); ignoramus; kings have long arms (long arm of the law); law, laying down the; statutes and statutory: 4
- AWWY: bad hair day; Big Tease, The; hackles, raising people's; hair, in our; hatchet job; The Big Tease; heckle; hekele; job, hatchet; raises people's hackles; teasing hair; tousled hair: 2
- AWWY: bananas, top (burlesque origins); big wheel, the; dealer, wheeler; Honchos, Top Bananas and VIPs; top bananas (burlesque origins); wheeler dealer: 1
- AWWY: big shot; Top Guns and Big Shots; great guns: 2
- AWWY: big stick, the (Roosevelt); branch, olive; fencing and sticklers; olive branch, biblical origins of; shtick; stick, the big; umpires for fencing (sticklers): 2
- AWWY: bigwig; blinded to the truth (hoodwink); exploitation (hoodwink); eyes, pooling wool over; media exploitation (hoodwink); political exploitation (hoodwink); truth, obscuring (hoodwink); wigs, big powdered (powerful people); Wool Over Eyes...Big Wig...Hoodwink: 2
- AWWY: le grand fromage (big cheese); muck-a-mucks: 1
- Abbreviations:
Unedited list of search results
: 2
- FX: "Break a leg!": 1
- FX: "Go figure": 1
- FX: "bug"="defect": 1
- FX: "fall off a turnip truck": 1
- FX: "posh": 1
- FX: "widget": 3
- FX: Commonest words: 1
- FX: [Prefatory remarks]: 1
- Home: The alt.usage.english Home Page: 1
- Intro D:
Where to find the big AUE FAQ
: 1
- Intro D: AUE Intro D: Mini-FAQ on Grammar, Usage & Punctuation: 1
- Intro E:
: 1
- Lawler: >Past tenses:: 1
- Lawler: "amn't": 1
- Lawler: A or An Historical Novel?: 2
- Lawler: English Language History, with excursus on Technology: 1
- Lawler: Indian English: 2
- Lawler: Literacy: 1
- Lawler: So Much For Spelling Reform: 1
- Lawler: Toward(s) and Beside(s): 1
- Lawler: Two kinds of "that-clauses": 3
- Lawler: Usage of "the hell": 6
- Lawler: Verbing Nouns: 1
- Lawler: Vowels Before R: 1
- Links: Audio references
: 1
- Morris: Big Apple: 1
- Morris: Big Wheel: 1
- Quinion: Big Bang II: 1
- Quinion: Big cheese: 1
- Quinion: Big pond: 1
- RH WotD: kahuna, big: 1
- UCLE03: Lindsay
: 1
- UCLE13: Custer's last stand
: 1
- Usenet Docs: AUE: Links to Official Usenet Documents: 1
- What's new?:
2 September 2001:
: 1
- Wilton: Big Apple: 1
- Yaelf: (IPL) Why is New York City called "The Big Apple"?: 1
- Yaelf: (WD) What is the origin of the term big cheese as in 'He's a big cheese in the rugby world'?: 2
- Yaelf: A Big List of Non-Standard Theatrical Terms: 1
- Yaelf: What is the origin of "shi*t-eating grin"? "a big shi*t-eating grin"?: 1
- Yaelf: Why is New York City called The Big Apple?: 1
AUE people
: 1
- AUE: Arthur the Rat: 1
- AUE: The Big Apple Boink, July 2001: 2
- Cambodunum
: 2
- The AUE Photo Gallery: 1
:Big5 :BiGG :bigged :biggen :bigger :biggest :biggin :Biglow :Bignall :bigold :bigote :bigots :bigs :BigStar303 :bigwig :bigwigs :Bijou :bike :Bildungsroman :bilingual :bilious :bill
- AWWY: Follow the Bouncing Bill; bubble; Papal bulls (bills): 1
- AWWY: Kicking Habits and Footing the Bill; bill, footing the; footing the bill; history of tobacco controversies; smoking controversies: 3
- AWWY: answer the bell; bell, answer the; bill, filling the; chalk, walk the; filling the bill; Up to Scratch; mark, toe the; scratch, up to; snuff; up to snuff; walk the chalk: 2
- AWWY: bill of health, clean; clean bill of health; Knee Jerk Response, Clean Bill of Health; patient patients; response, knee-jerk: 3
- Audio:
: 1
- Cunningham: Individual poster histories - alt.usage.english: 9
- FX: "blue moon": 1
- FX: "copacetic": 1
- FX: "merkin": 1
- FX: Online usage guides: 1
- FX: Related newsgroups: 1
- FX: What is "ghoti"?: 1
- FX: What words are their own antonym?: 1
- IPA I:
: 1
- Intro B:
Sites on words and language
: 1
- Lawler: >Past tenses:: 2
- Lawler: Beth Levin is a computational linguist at Northwestern University: 1
- Lawler: The intonation curve is (roughly) up-down-back.up, graphically something: 1
- Lawler: Hyphens: 8
- Lawler: Object Complements: 2
- Lawler: Ross Constraints: 25
- Morris: Bill, The: 1
- Morris: Dollar Bill Symbols: 1
- Morris: Foot the Bill: 1
- Quinion: Bill, the: 1
- RH WotD: bill of goods: 1
- UCLE05: What’s
: 1
- UCLE08: A Litany of notable
: 1
- UCLE13: Calamity Jane
: 2
- Cambodunum
: 1
:Bill T :Bill's :billboard :billed :billhook :Billings :billion :billions :billows :bills :Billy :billygoat :billygoats :Bilyeu :bimbo :bimonthly :bin :BINARIES :binaries :binary :bind :binding :Bing :bingo :Binnick :Bint :Bio-Base :Biographical :biographies :Biography :Bioinformatics :Bioinvasion :biological :biologies :biologist :Biomimetics :Biomusicology :Biophilia :Biopiracy :Biopunk :Bios :Biosurgery :biota :Bipm :Birch :bird
- AWWY: A Little Birdie Told Me...Birdbrain; birdbrain, the anomaly; birdies, talkative; brains of a bird, a compliment really; Mohammed's counselor (birdies); Solomon's messenger (birdies); soothsayers inspiration, birds: 1
- AWWY: Albatross around one's neck; burden of a dead bird; neck, albatross around one's: 1
- AWWY: Talking Turkey; national bird nominee; turkey, talking: 1
- AWWY: What's Eating You?; bird, eat like a (misnomer); eating humble pie; eating your words; high off the hog; hog, high off the; humble pie, eating; morsel; pie, eating humble; remorse; words, eating your (remorse): 1
- Lawler: Schwa and Central Vowels: 4
- Morris: Bird in hand: 1
- UCLE11: The
: 1
- Yaelf: Where does the phrase "flipping the bird" come from?: 1
- Cambodunum
: 1
:birdbrain :birdie :birdies :birds
- AWWY: A Little Birdie Told Me...Birdbrain; birdbrain, the anomaly; birdies, talkative; brains of a bird, a compliment really; Mohammed's counselor (birdies); Solomon's messenger (birdies); soothsayers inspiration, birds: 1
- AWWY: Allen, W.C. (study of birds); cock of the walk; Dryden (henpecked); Henpecked Pecking Order, the; impeccable; peccadilloes; pecking order: 1
- AWWY: Birds of a Feather; birds, for the; investigation; pedigree; vestiges: 2
- AWWY: Birds, The (Aristophanes' comedy); Cloud Nine and Seventh Heaven; Cuckoo Land; heaven, seventh; moon, over the; nine, on cloud; over the moon; seventh heaven: 1
- AWWY: augurs; Auspicious...Inauguration; birds, a sign of success; inauguration; omens of success; soothsayings; success, forecasting: 1
- AWWY: backside (obscenities); bottom (obscenities); boy birds or cocks (obscenities); cock or gentlemen fowl (obscenities); gentlemen fowl or cocks (obscenities); he-cows or bulls (obscenities); legs or limbs (obscenities); limbs or legs (obscenities); obscene; Obscenity: 1
- AWWY: canary, singing like a; criminal decoy (stool pigeon); decoy birds (stool pigeons); pigeons, stool; sing like a canary; snitch (stool pigeon); Stool Pigeons...Sing Like a Canary: 1
- Lawler: >> That is, the voicing assimilation that makes these morphemes voiceless: 2
- Links: Lexicons
: 1
- UCLE07: Some significant numbers from literature and literary criticism: 1
- UCLE11: The
: 2
- Cambodunum
: 4
- Fieldfares
: 1
- Preface
: 1
:Birgit :birk-trees :Biro :birth :Birtism :Bischof :Biscotti :biscuit :Bishop :bisociation :bit :bitch :bite :bites :biting :BITNET :bits :bitten :bitter :bitumen :biweekly :bizarre :Bjg :Bjp :bjuti
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