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- Lawler: Beth Levin is a computational linguist at Northwestern University: 1
:cognate :cognates :cognizant
- Lawler: Beth Levin is a computational linguist at Northwestern University: 1
:cognomen :Cogry :Cohan :Cohen :coherently :coho :Cohobation :cohort :Coi :coils :coin :coinage :coinages :coincide :coincidence :coined :coining :coins :coit :Coithric :coitus :cojones :Coke :cokedrill :col :cola :cold
- AWWY: Br-r-r-r!; cold, that's; cool, changes in meaning of; know it cold; play it cool; taking it cool; That's cold!: 3
- AWWY: Charity and Welfare; cold as charity; welfare, changes in meaning of: 1
- AWWY: Cold Shoulders, Snubs, and Snobs; mutton, a cold shoulder of; sine nobilite (snobs); snobs, changes in meaning of; snubbed; working class snobs: 2
- AWWY: Cold Turkey; head over turkey; turkey, cold: 2
- AWWY: Cold War and the Evil Empire, The; empire, evil; evil empire; nemesis: 1
- AWWY: Pour Favor; cold water, pour; confusion; fundamental; futile; infuse; oil on troubled waters, pour; profuse; troubled waters, pour oil on; waters, pour oil on troubled: 1
- AWWY: bottom, hit rock; hit rock bottom; rock bottom, hit; scrupulous scruples; stone cold; tone unturned, leave no; unscupulous; unturned, leave no stone: 1
- AWWY: cold fish; Fishy Matters; expeditions, fishing; hook, line and sinker; odd fish; queer fish; stories, fish: 1
- Abbreviations:
Unedited list of search results
: 1
- Audio:
I teach Ferdinand
: 1
- FX: "bloody": 1
: 1
- IPA I:
Slashes or square brackets?
: 1
- IPA I:
: 1
- Intro C:
"cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey"
: 1
- Intro C: AUE Intro C: Mini-FAQ on Words & Phrases: 1
- Lawler: Gotten vs. Got: 2
- Morris: Cold Feet: 1
- Morris: Cold Shoulder: 1
- Morris: Cold Turkey: 1
- Quinion: Cold shoulder: 1
- Quinion: In cold blood: 1
- RH WotD: cold turkey, talk turkey: 1
- UCLE09: “Bloody”
: 1
- UCLE13: Waterloo
: 1
- Wilton: Cold Turkey: 1
- Wilton: Cold War: 1
- Wilton: Cold...Brass Monkey: 1
- Yaelf: What is the origin of "brass monkey"? "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey"?: 1
- AUE: Formant Analysis: 1
- AUE: Formants in three pronunciations of "stone cold": 2
- Preface
: 2
:Cole :Coleman :Colemanballs :Coleridge :coleslaw :colfaxgp :coliform :Colin :collaborate :collaborative :Collaboratory :collapse :collapse's :collapsed :collar :collars :collated :colleages :colleague :colleagues :COLLECT :collect :collected :collectible :collection :Collections :Collections of Web links :collective :collectives :collectors :collects :college :college-educated :colleges :collegiate :collide
- Garbl: collide , collision: 1
:collided :Colline :collins :collision
- Garbl: collide , collision: 1
:collocation :collocations :colloquial :colloquialisms :Colombia :colon :colonel :colonialism :colonies :colonists :colons :colony :COLOR :color :Color charts :Colorado :colored :colorful :colorfully :Colorization :colors :colossal :Colossus :colour :coloured :colourful :colours :COLSPAN :Columbia :Columbus :column :columns :colza
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