Concordance index for 'bem' onwards
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:bema :bemoaning :bemuse :bemused :ben :bench :Benchmark :bend :bendin :beneath :Benedict :Benedictive :beneficial :benefit
- AWWY: benefit of clergy, without the; clergy, without the benefit of; Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval; person of the other sex sharing living quarters (POSSLQ); primary relationship, enter into; promiscuity (shacking up); relationships and shacking up; Shacking Up; significant other: 2
- Garbl: benefit , benefited, benefiting: 1
The [O] sound requires rounded lips, but lips making a
: 1
- IPA II: The reference to 'Chicago pop' first appeared in Mark Israel's
: 1
- IPA I:
The remarks concerning the pronunciation of [O] were taken verbatim from Mark Israel's
: 1
- IPA I:
The reference to 'Chicago pop' first appeared in Mark Israel's
: 1
- Lawler: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 1
- Lawler: Books on English, Language, and Linguistics: 1
- Lawler: He, she, they?: 1
- Lawler: Reams: 1
- Lawler: Verbing Nouns: 1
- Preface
: 1
:benefited :benefiting :Benet :benevolence :benevolent :Bengal :Benjamin :Benjamins :Bennett :bensil :bensilled :bensils :Benson :bent :bent-for-leather :Benzedrine :Beowulf :bequethed :ber
- Lawler: Henry Lee Smith: 1
:Bergen :Berks
- Yaelf: What is the etymology of "Maidenhead" (Berks)?: 1
:Berlin :berm :Bermuda :Berna :Bernard :Bernhardt :Bernstein :Berra's :bers :berserk :Bertel :Berwick :besedeq :beside :besides :Bespoke :Bess :Bessimer :best
- AWWY: Father Knows Best; paternity suit; patriotic; patronage; patronizing; pattern: 1
- AWWY: bad luck, Roman explanation of; bed, getting up on wrong side of; Best/Right Foot...Wrong Side of the Bed; defeat, Caesar's explanation of; foot forward, putting best; grouchiness, Roman explanation of; military defeat, Caesar's explanation of; right foot, getting off on; wrong side of bed, getting up on: 2
- Abbreviations:
Unedited list of search results
: 1
- Alternating voices: Markus's and Skitt's voices alternating: 1
- FX: "acronym": 1
- FX: "blue moon": 1
- FX: "catch-22": 1
- FX: "cut the mustard": 1
- FX: "dressed to the nines": 1
- FX: "functionality": 1
- FX: "try and", "be sure and", "go" + verb: 1
- FX: "whole cloth": 1
- FX: Books on usage: 1
- FX: Commonest words: 1
- FX: How reliable are dictionaries?: 1
- FX: Online dictionaries: 1
- FX: Preposition at end: 1
- FX: Where to put apostrophes in possessive forms: 1
- Groups: AUE: "company is" and "company are": 1
- Intro B:
British English
: 1
- Lawler: --- Followup --: 1
- Lawler: >Just one question: Where does the past perfect ("have gone", "have sung"): 1
- Lawler: Beth Levin is a computational linguist at Northwestern University: 3
- Lawler: The intonation curve is (roughly) up-down-back.up, graphically something: 1
- Lawler: "amn't": 3
- Lawler: Alumin(i)um: 1
- Lawler: Bring vs Take: 1
- Lawler: Gotten vs. Got: 1
- Lawler: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 1
- Lawler: Reams: 1
- Lawler: anymore: 1
- Links: Collections of Web links
: 1
- Links: Lexicons
: 1
- Links: Words about words
: 1
- Quinion: Best bib and tucker: 1
- Symposium I: The alt.usage.english London Symposium: 2
- UCLE03: Judith
: 1
- UCLE08: The “Fat Lady”
: 1
- UCLE11: The
: 1
- UCLE12: News
: 3
- UCLE15:
The Tooth Fairy
: 1
- Yaelf: (WD) The bee's knees informally means the best, the most desirable. How did the saying originate?: 1
- Yaelf: Best sites on slang: 1
- 11. The Commonwealth
: 2
- Pear-shaped comments: 1
- Preface
: 4
- The Totally Official Boink Home Page: 1
- london_symposium_boink/boink.html: 1
- summer_boink/summer.html: 1
:best-seller :bestiary :bet :Beth :betide :bets
- Lawler: So Much For Spelling Reform: 1
- Lawler: hadn't've: 1
:Betsy :Bettens :BETTER :better
- AWWY: Coca Cola, evolution of; cola wars; Things go better with Coke: 1
- AWWY: Pigging Out; achievement; bonchief and mischief; captain; chieftain; Mighty Mouse(trap), The; mousetrap, building a better: 1
- Abbreviations:
Unedited list of search results
: 2
- Brians: better: 1
- Emphasis quotes: AUE: Use of Quotation Marks for Emphasis: 1
- FX: ", vs ,": 1
- FX: "A.D.": 1
- FX: "God rest you merry, gentlemen": 1
- FX: "company is" vs "company are": 2
- FX: "could of": 1
- FX: "impact"="to affect": 1
- FX: "none is" vs "none are": 1
- FX: "quality": 2
- FX: "whole cloth": 1
- FX: "whom": 1
- FX: Commonest words: 1
- FX: How reliable are dictionaries?: 1
- FX: Related newsgroups: 2
- FX: What words are their own antonym?: 1
- FX: Words without vowels: 1
- Groups: AUE: "company is" and "company are": 2
- Intro E:
Isn't spelling reform a good idea?
: 1
- Isles:
IRELAND. As used by geographers, the second largest island
: 1
- Lawler: --- Followup --: 1
- Lawler: >>> The facts of the matter are these:: 3
- Lawler: >Just one question: Where does the past perfect ("have gone", "have sung"): 1
- Lawler: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 2
- Lawler: "Quote, Unquote": 1
- Lawler: "only": 1
- Lawler: He, she, they?: 1
- Lawler: Indian English: 3
- Lawler: Reams: 1
- Lawler: Usage of "the hell": 1
- Lawler: striddly: 1
- Lawler: zilch: 1
- Symposium I: The alt.usage.english London Symposium: 1
- UCLE05: John Davies's commentary
: 1
- What's new?:
6 December 2001
: 1
- What's new?:
23 February 2002
: 1
- Yaelf: How to Write a Better Weblog: 1
- Yaelf: Which word is better?: 1
- Audio recording technique - Some suggestions: 1
- Cambodunum
: 1
- Untitled: 1
:bettermy :Betty :between
- AWWY: between the devil and the deep blue sea; Devil...Blue sea...All Hell to Pay; hell to pay; hot pitch, devil to pay and (original phrase): 1
- Abbreviations:
Unedited list of search results
: 1
- Alternating voices: Markus's and Skitt's voices alternating: 1
- Audio:
Other Sound Files
: 1
- Brians: between vs. among: 1
- Brians: between you and I: 1
- Brians: between: 1
- Cunningham: Comments: 1
- Cunningham: Notes:: 1
- FX: "I won't mention...": 1
- FX: "It's me" vs "It is I": 2
- FX: "Jingle Bells": 1
- FX: "acronym": 1
- FX: "beg the question": 1
- FX: "between you and I": 6
- FX: "bug"="defect": 1
- FX: "canola": 1
- FX: "could of": 1
- FX: "ebonics": 1
- FX: "eighty-six"="nix": 1
- FX: "functionality": 1
- FX: "hopefully", "thankfully": 1
- FX: "like" vs "such as": 1
- FX: "limerence"/"limerent": 1
- FX: "posh": 1
- FX: "put in one's two cents' worth": 1
- FX: "quality": 1
- FX: "son of a gun": 1
- FX: "titsling"/"brassiere": 1
- FX: "try and", "be sure and", "go" + verb: 1
- FX: "whom": 1
- FX: Books on Britishisms, Canadianisms, etc.: 1
- FX: Commonest words: 1
- FX: How do you spell "e-mail"?: 1
- FX: How to represent pronunciation in ASCII: 2
- FX: Related newsgroups: 1
- FX: Spaces between sentences: 3
- FX: Split infinitive: 2
- FX: Subjunctive: 1
- FX: The the "hoi polloi" debate: 1
- FX: What do you call the grass strip between the road and the sidewalk?: 2
- FX: What words are their own antonym?: 1
- FX: Where to put apostrophes in possessive forms: 1
- Fast FAQ:
[Prefatory remarks]
: 3
- Garbl: among , between: 1
- Garbl: between ... and, from ... to: 1
- Garbl: choice between, choose between: 2
- Garbl: go-between: 1
- Genitive: AUE: Genitive is Not Always Possessive: 1
- I before E:
Extensions to the rule that have been suggested:
: 1
Here is a key to the abbreviations used under 'Articulatory descriptions':
: 8
Some U.S. speakers do not distinguish between "Mary",
: 1
- IPA II: Affricates, diphthongs and triphthongs:
: 2
- IPA II: Slashes or square brackets?
: 3
- IPA II: The difference between [hw] and [w] does not
: 1
- IPA I:
: 1
- IPA I:
: 1
- IPA I:
: 1
- IPA I:
Here is a key to the abbreviations used under 'Articulatory descriptions':
: 8
- IPA I:
There is no ASCII IPA symbol for the IPA 180-degree-rotated
: 3
- IPA I:
Affricates, diphthongs and triphthongs
: 2
- IPA I:
Slashes or square brackets?
: 4
- Intro C:
"beg the question"
: 1
- Isles:
GREAT BRITAIN. Used by cartographers to denote the biggest
: 1
- Lawler: As to this discussion, the usual oppositions are those between: 4
- Lawler: There is also another opposition among the formal auxiliaries, between: 1
- Lawler: >> For instance: English has only one phoneme, but it has: 1
- Lawler: >>> The facts of the matter are these:: 1
- Lawler: >Just one question: Where does the past perfect ("have gone", "have sung"): 1
- Lawler: >Past tenses:: 1
- Lawler: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 5
- Lawler: I suspect much of the rancor that greets spellings of had've is: 1
- Lawler: That is, the voicing assimilation that makes these morphemes voiceless: 1
- Lawler: "Correctness": 1
- Lawler: "It" in "It's raining": 2
- Lawler: "only": 1
- Lawler: A or An Historical Novel?: 1
- Lawler: Aural and Oral, Boy and Buoy: 2
- Lawler: Can't Help (But) ...: 2
- Lawler: Commas again: 3
- Lawler: Commas: 1
- Lawler: English Modals: 1
- Lawler: English and Infinity: 2
- Lawler: Gotten vs. Got: 1
- Lawler: He, she, they?: 1
- Lawler: Headline grammar: 2
- Lawler: Literacy: 3
- Lawler: Object Complements: 2
- Lawler: Phrasal Verbs: 1
- Lawler: Phrasal Verbs: 1
- Lawler: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 1
- Lawler: Reams: 1
- Lawler: Ross Constraints: 2
- Lawler: Schwa and Central Vowels: 1
- Lawler: Usage of "the hell": 1
- Lawler: Verbing Nouns: 2
- Lawler: anymore: 1
- Links: Measurement conversion
: 1
- Lynch: Among versus Between.: 1
- RH WotD: between you and I: 1
- UCLE03: Lindsay
: 1
- UCLE05: John Davies's commentary
: 2
- UCLE06: Rhetorical vocabulary: 1
- UCLE09: “Pop
: 1
- UCLE09: Holidays
: 1
- UCLE10: "Bite the bullet"
: 1
- UCLE12: News
: 3
- UCLE16: Kibosh
: 1
- What's new?:
2 September 2001:
: 2
- Yaelf: The Great Vowel Shift: The main difference between Chaucer's language and our own is in the pronunciation of the "long" vowels. The consonants remain generally the same, though Chaucer rolled his r's, sometimes dropped his aitches, and pronounced both e: 1
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "Eradicate" and "Irradicate"?: 1
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "Factious" and "Factitious"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "Home" page and "Welcome" page?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "Ingenuous" and "Ingenious"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "Sanatory" and "Sanitary"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "Scotch" and "Scottish"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "adverse" and "averse": 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "allegory" and "parable"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "barbell" and "dumbbell"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "catachresis" and "metaphor"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "connote" and "denote"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "credible" and "creditable"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "elude" and "evade"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "epigraph" and "epigram"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "euphemism" and "euphuism"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "exoteric" and "esoteric"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "flounder" and "founder": 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "gibberish" and "gobbledegook"? "gobbledygook"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "historic" and "historical"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "luxuriant" and "luxurious"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "orientate" and "orient"?: 2
- Yaelf: What is the difference between "simile" and "metaphor"?: 2
AUE people
: 1
- 11. The Commonwealth
: 1
- 5. The United Kingdom and Islands
: 1
- AUE: "anymore" and "any more": 2
- AUE: Comments on a Proposal for Reformed English Spelling: 1
- AUE: What is the UK? Is it the same as Britain, Great Britain or England?: 1
- Audio recording technique - Some suggestions: 2
- Fun with words TOC: 1
- Preface
: 1
- Showing variation of formants of [i:] with context: 1
- Showing variation of formants of [i:] with context: 2
- Suggestions: How To Form Your Reply
: 1
:beu :beugh :Beulah's :BEV :Bev :bevel :beverage :beverages :Bew :beware :bewgry :bewildered :Bewilderments :bewitches :Bey :beyond :Bezoar :Bfbs :Bfd :BGCOLOR :Bharat
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