Concordance index for 'mi' onwards
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:mI'n :mi'ne :miasma :mic :mice :mich :Michael :Michael's :michaelscowps :Micheil :Michigan :Michigan's :Michiganders :mick :mickey :Mickwick :Micmac :Microcredit :Microfiche :Micrometer :micrometre :micromoles :micron :Micronesia :microphone :Microsoft :Microtransaction :mid :mid-1960s :mid-1995 :mid-central :mid-high-low-mid :mid-May :mid-nineteenth :mid-September :mid-western :midday :midden :middle
- AWWY: Adlai Stevenson (egghead); brows (high, low, and middle); Supercilious Highbrows and Eggheads; highbrow; low brow; middlebrow; Stevenson, Adlai (egghead): 1
- AWWY: conservatives (right wing); Left, Right Wings...Middle of the Road; middle of the road; political wings; radical extremists (left wing); right wing extremists; road, middle of the; wings, different political: 3
- Abbreviations: AUE: Initialisms Commonly Used in alt.usage.english: 1
- Emphasis quotes: AUE: Use of Quotation Marks for Emphasis: 1
- FX: "Scotch": 1
- FX: "billion": a U.K. view: 1
- FX: "bug"="defect": 1
- FX: "fuck": 1
- FX: "more/most/very unique": 1
- FX: "wog": 1
- FX: Troll: 3
- FX: Why is "I" capitalized?: 1
- FX: Words whose spelling has influenced their pronunciation: 1
- Garbl: middle initials: 1
Here is a key to the abbreviations used under 'Articulatory descriptions':
: 2
- IPA I:
Here is a key to the abbreviations used under 'Articulatory descriptions':
: 2
- IPA I:
: 2
- Intro B:
Historical English, and English Literature
: 1
- Isles:
SCOTCH. The following is extracted from Mark Israel's FAQ
: 1
- Lawler: >Your example of English and Caxton print shop goes a long way to convince: 1
- Lawler: "Quote, Unquote": 1
- Lawler: A or An Historical Novel?: 2
- Lawler: English Language History, with excursus on Technology: 4
- Lawler: Schwa and Central Vowels: 1
- Lawler: The Academy: 1
- RH WotD: middle-aged: 1
- UCLE05: What’s
: 1
- UCLE06: Rhetorical vocabulary: 1
- UCLE10: "Bite the bullet"
: 1
- AUE: Thou, Thee, and Archaic Grammar: 1
- Preface
: 2
:middlebrow :Middleton's :middling :Mideltone :Midi :midland :Midlands :midnight :midsegments :Midst :midsummer :midway :Midwest :midwestern :miffed :Mifflin :Mig :Miggs :might
- AUE Logo: AUE: The Totally Official Logo: 2
- Abbreviations:
Unedited list of search results
: 2
- Brians: may/might: 1
- Brians: might could: 1
- FX: ", vs ,": 1
- FX: "A, B and C" vs "A, B, and C": 1
- FX: "Go figure": 1
- FX: "Let them eat cake!": 1
- FX: "flammable": 1
- FX: "functionality": 1
- FX: "hoist with his own petard": 1
- FX: "hopefully", "thankfully": 1
- FX: "like" vs "as": 2
- FX: "whom": 1
- FX: Commonest words: 1
- FX: How do Americans pronounce "dog"?: 1
- FX: Names of "&", "@", and "#": 1
- FX: Repeated words after abbreviations: 1
- FX: When to use "the": 1
- FX: Where to put apostrophes in possessive forms: 1
- Garbl: may, might: 1
- Home: The alt.usage.english Home Page: 3
- I before E:
Excerpt, with minor editing, from the 1996 posting:
: 1
- I before E: AUE: Exceptions to the rule 'I before E except after C': 1
- IPA I:
What is this?
: 1
- IPA I:
: 1
- IPA I: AUE: ASCII IPA in a nutshell: 1
- IPA I: There is no ASCII IPA symbol for the IPA 180-degree-rotated
: 1
- Interlinear IPA: AUE: Interlinear transliterations of ASCII IPA: 2
- Isles:
BRITISH ISLES. A geographical term referring to the islands
: 1
- Lawler: There is also another opposition among the formal auxiliaries, between: 1
- Lawler: --- Followup --: 1
- Lawler: >> That is, the voicing assimilation that makes these morphemes voiceless: 1
- Lawler: >>> The facts of the matter are these:: 1
- Lawler: >Just one question: Where does the past perfect ("have gone", "have sung"): 1
- Lawler: >Past tenses:: 4
- Lawler: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 10
- Lawler: Since you ask, here's a moderately complete list of polarity items,: 1
- Lawler: The intonation curve is (roughly) up-down-back.up, graphically something: 1
- Lawler: You may have noticed the Sapir quotation in my .sig.: 1
- Lawler: "Correctness": 2
- Lawler: "amn't": 1
- Lawler: "only": 1
- Lawler: "vehicle": 1
- Lawler: Aural and Oral, Boy and Buoy: 2
- Lawler: Books on English, Language, and Linguistics: 1
- Lawler: Can't Help (But) ...: 1
- Lawler: Commas: 1
- Lawler: English Language History, with excursus on Technology: 2
- Lawler: English Modals: 1
- Lawler: Give a Damn: 3
- Lawler: Gotten vs. Got: 1
- Lawler: Hafta and Other Modal Paraphrases: 1
- Lawler: Henry Lee Smith: 1
- Lawler: Hyphens: 1
- Lawler: News Item: 2
- Lawler: Object Complements: 2
- Lawler: Phrasal Verbs: 2
- Lawler: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 2
- Lawler: Reams: 3
- Lawler: Tense and related topics: 1
- Lawler: Toward(s) and Beside(s): 2
- Lawler: anymore: 1
- Lawler: gonna: 1
- Quinion: Pigs might fly: 1
- RH WotD: may and might: 1
- RH WotD: might could (double modal): 1
- Subjunctive?: AUE: Does English Have a Subjunctive Mood?: 2
- UCLE06: Rhetorical vocabulary: 2
- UCLE09: “It went pear-shaped”
: 1
- UCLE09: “It’s
: 1
- AUE Gallery: Padraig Breathnach: 1
- AUE: About the alt.usage.english newsgroup: 2
- AUE: Audio recording technique - some suggestions: 1
- AUE: Comments on a Proposal for Reformed English Spelling: 4
- AUE: Contact: 1
- AUE: Does Mark Barratt's recording of "catamaran" have a plosive "t"?: 1
- AUE: Georgia speaker comments: 1
- AUE: Perlfect Search: 2
- Cambodunum
: 3
:might've :MIGHTY :mighty :Migrate :Miguel :Mikael :mike
- Abbreviations:
Unedited list of search results
: 1
- Cunningham: Individual poster histories - alt.usage.english: 17
- FX: Etymologies of personal names: 1
- Fast FAQ: The fast-access FAQ
: 1
- Garbl: microphone, mike: 1
- IPA I:
: 1
- Interlinear IPA: AUE: Interlinear transliterations of ASCII IPA: 1
- Symposium II: AUE: The Christmas symposium, London, December 1998: 4
- Symposium I: AUE: London Symposium, March 1998: 3
- What's new?:
6 December 2001
: 1
- What's new?:
18 March 2002
: 1
- Yaelf: (WD) AUE Contributor Mike asks, I was struck by the phrase "to queer the pitch" as I used it the other day. What game? How did one "queer the pitch"?: 1
- Yaelf: Twists, Slugs and Roscoes: This is the language spoken by Philip Marlowe, Sam Spade, Mike Hammer and the Continental Op. When Cagney, Bogart, Robinson and Raft got in a turf war, this is how they talked.: 1
- AUE Christmas Symposium: Albert Marshall, Mike Page, and Katy Edgcombe: 2
- AUE Christmas Symposium: Garry Vass, Bob Lieblich, and Mike Barnes: 2
- AUE Christmas Symposium: Jim Nugent and a blurred Mike Page: 2
- AUE Christmas Symposium: Mike Page picture, muffins: 2
- AUE Christmas Symposium: Mike Page's sheep tie: 2
- AUE Christmas Symposium: Mike Page: 2
- AUE Christmas Symposium: Mike Page: 2
- AUE Christmas Symposium: Mike Page: 2
- AUE Gallery: Mike Barnes: 2
- AUE Gallery: Mike Oliver: 2
- AUE: "miss not having": 1
- AUE: Audio recording technique - some suggestions: 12
- AUE: Contact: 1
- AUE: Dublin Boink, 27 April 2002: 1
- AUE: London Boink, December 2001: 3
- AUE: London Millennium Boink, December 1999: 3
- AUE: Perlfect Search: 1
- AUE: Summer Boink, London, June 1999: 10
- Cambodunum
: 2
- The AUE Photo Gallery: 2
:Mike's :mike-lyle :MikeB :MikeP :Mikey :Mila :milch :mild :mildewed :mildly :mile :mileage :miles :milestone :milieu :milit'rist :military
- AWWY: Cadets, Caddies, and Cads; golf clubs, carries (caddies); military advisor (cadet): 1
- AWWY: bad luck, Roman explanation of; bed, getting up on wrong side of; Best/Right Foot...Wrong Side of the Bed; defeat, Caesar's explanation of; foot forward, putting best; grouchiness, Roman explanation of; military defeat, Caesar's explanation of; right foot, getting off on; wrong side of bed, getting up on: 1
- FX: "catch-22": 1
- FX: "cut the mustard": 1
- FX: "face the music": 1
- FX: "hoist with his own petard": 1
- FX: What words are their own antonym?: 2
- UCLE05: John Davies's commentary
: 1
- UCLE07: Some significant numbers from literature and literary criticism: 1
:milk :milkfat :Milktoast :Milky :mill :millenia :millenium :millennia :millennium :MILLER :miller :miller's :milliard :milliHenrys :millihorns :millin's :milling :million :millions :mills :millstone :milner :milquetoast :Milton :Milton's :Miltown :Mim :Mime :mimeograph :mimeographed :Mimi :mimic :mimics :miming :mimsy
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