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:Q :Q&A :q's :Q-Celts :Q-Float
- Lawler: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 2
- Lawler: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 1
:Q-Tip :Qantas :QED :Qed :Qin2 :Qqq :QT :Qu'ils :qu'on :Quack :quacks :quacksalvers :quadrilateral :quadriliteralism :quadrillion :Quadrivium :quadruped :quaesitio :quag :quagmire :quais :Quakers :qualification :qualifications :qualified :qualifiers :qualify :qualitative :qualitie :qualities :quality :Quant :Quantas :quantifier :Quantifier-Negative
- Lawler: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 2
- Lawler: "only": 1
- Lawler: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 4
:quantitative :quantitie :quantity :quantization :Quants :quantum :quarantine :quark :quarks :Quarryman :quarrymen's :quart :quarter :quartern :quarters :Quartet :quartets :quarto :quarts :quasi-independent :quasi-pseudo-semi-hemi-demi :quatrocchi :quattuordecillion :Quay :Quayle :Qubit :que :Quechua :queen :Queen's :Queene :qUEENIE :queenies :Queensland :queer :quem :Queried :queries :query :QUESTION :question
- Abbreviations:
Explanation of Search Criteria
: 1
- Abbreviations:
Unedited list of search results
: 1
- Abbreviations: AUE: Initialisms Commonly Used in alt.usage.english: 1
- Brians: begs the question: 1
- Brians: call the question: 1
- FX: "beg the question": 10
- FX: "billion": a U.K. view: 1
- FX: "more than you can shake a stick at": 1
- FX: "quiz": 1
- FX: "whom": 1
- FX: Related newsgroups: 2
- FX: Spaces between sentences: 1
- FX: Trademarks: 1
- FX: Where to put apostrophes in possessive forms: 1
- FX: Words ending in "-gry": 1
- Fast FAQ:
[Prefatory remarks]
: 1
- Garbl: question mark (?): 1
- IPA II: Slashes or square brackets?
: 1
- IPA I:
Slashes or square brackets?
: 1
- IPA I:
Slashes or square brackets?
: 1
- Intro C:
"beg the question"
: 6
- Intro C:
words ending in "-gry"
: 2
- Intro C: AUE Intro C: Mini-FAQ on Words & Phrases: 1
- Lawler: >>> The facts of the matter are these:: 1
- Lawler: >Just one question: Where does the past perfect ("have gone", "have sung"): 1
- Lawler: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 2
- Lawler: Since you ask, here's a moderately complete list of polarity items,: 1
- Lawler: The intonation curve is (roughly) up-down-back.up, graphically something: 1
- Lawler: "Quote, Unquote": 1
- Lawler: "amn't": 4
- Lawler: "only": 1
- Lawler: Bring vs Take: 3
- Lawler: Commas: 1
- Lawler: English and Infinity: 1
- Lawler: Extraposition, plus Selected Short Subjects: 2
- Lawler: Give a Damn: 1
- Lawler: Headline grammar: 1
- Lawler: Hyphens: 1
- Lawler: Indian English: 1
- Lawler: Literacy: 1
- Lawler: Negative Polarity Items: 1
- Lawler: Object Complements: 1
- Lawler: Reams: 1
- Lawler: Ross Constraints: 2
- Lawler: Schwa and Central Vowels: 1
- Lawler: The Academy: 1
- Lawler: Toward(s) and Beside(s): 3
- Lawler: Usage of "the hell": 8
- Lawler: Vowels Before R: 1
- Lawler: zilch: 1
- Links: Online services
: 1
- Morris: Beg the Question: 1
- Quinion: Beg the question: 1
- RH WotD: beg the question: 1
- Yaelf: (WD) During an Internet dialogue, the question came up - why do people say Jesus H Christ? It never seems to be any other letter. It sounds American, but what does it stand for and where did it originate? Holy seems to be a strong candidate, or could it: 1
- Yaelf: What is the origin of "begs the question"?: 1
- AUE Gallery: Stephen Toogood: 1
- AUE: About the alt.usage.english newsgroup: 3
- AUE: Formant Analysis: 1
- AUE: Is 'people' the plural of 'person'?: 1
- AUE: Perlfect Search: 1
- AUE: What is the UK? Is it the same as Britain, Great Britain or England?: 2
:question-begging :questionable
- Lawler: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 1
:questioned :questionnaire :QUESTIONS :questions
- AUE Logo: AUE: The Totally Official Logo: 1
- AWWY: bowels open, mouth shut; City Living; day, make my (Dirty Harry); Dirty Harry (make my day); drop on him, get the; ears to the ground; eyes peeled, keep your; get the drop on him; go ahead make my day; ground, ears to the; Harry, Dirty (make my day); keep a weather eye open; on your toes; peeled, keep your eyes; questions later, shoot first and ask; qui vive; shoot first and ask questions later; vive, qui; weather eye open, keep a: 2
- Abbreviations:
Unedited list of search results
: 1
- Abbreviations: AUE: Initialisms Commonly Used in alt.usage.english: 1
- FX: Does the next millennium begin in 2000 or 2001?: 1
- FX: Guidelines for posting: 1
- FX: Related newsgroups: 3
- FX: Spaces between sentences: 1
- FX: Words ending in "-gry": 1
- Home: The alt.usage.english Home Page: 2
: 1
- IPA I:
Help me complete this Web page!
: 1
- Intro A:
Dealing with unwanted postings
: 1
- Intro A:
Dictionary Definitions
: 2
- Intro A:
Guidelines for posting
: 1
- Intro B: Encyclopedias & Search Engines : 1
- Intro B: On-line dictionaries: general : 1
- Intro B: Sites on words and language : 3
- Intro C:
words ending in "-gry"
: 1
- Intro C: AUE Intro C: Mini-FAQ on Words & Phrases: 1
- Intro D: AUE Intro D: Mini-FAQ on Grammar, Usage & Punctuation: 1
- Lawler: I can't say _____ really means I can't say ___ in a word. When I go: 1
- Lawler: Since you ask, here's a moderately complete list of polarity items,: 6
- Lawler: "amn't": 1
- Lawler: English Modals: 1
- Lawler: English and Infinity: 1
- Lawler: Indian English: 1
- Lawler: Negative Polarity Items: 3
- Lawler: Object Complements: 1
- Lawler: That vs. Which: 1
- Lawler: Usage of "the hell": 1
- Links: Miscellaneous, not language related
: 2
- Links: Online services
: 1
- Links: Words about words
: 1
- Subjunctive?: AUE: Does English Have a Subjunctive Mood?: 1
- UCLE03: Lindsay
: 1
- Usenet Docs: AUE: Links to Official Usenet Documents: 4
- Yaelf: People commonly ask empty rhetorical questions that rarely receive any sort of sensible answer. When you have had your surfeit of poetical whimsy and are ready for some good, hard facts, come here to be set straight.: 1
- Yaelf: Questions: 1
AUE people
: 1
- AUE: About Autism and Daniel McGrath: 2
- AUE: Audio recording technique - some suggestions: 1
- AUE: Contact: 2
- AUE: Search Information: 1
- AUE: What is the UK? Is it the same as Britain, Great Britain or England?: 1
- Brians: queue: 1
- Garbl: queue , queuing: 1
:queues :queuing
- Garbl: queue , queuing: 1
- AWWY: bowels open, mouth shut; City Living; day, make my (Dirty Harry); Dirty Harry (make my day); drop on him, get the; ears to the ground; eyes peeled, keep your; get the drop on him; go ahead make my day; ground, ears to the; Harry, Dirty (make my day); keep a weather eye open; on your toes; peeled, keep your eyes; questions later, shoot first and ask; qui vive; shoot first and ask questions later; vive, qui; weather eye open, keep a: 2
- FX: "quiz": 1
- RH WotD: honi soit qui mal y pense: 1
:quick :quick-reference :quick-search :quicker :quickest :quickly :QUICKSAND :quicksand :quid :quiddity :Quidnunc :Quiescent :quiet :quietly :quilt :quilts :Quincunx :quindecillion :quingentesimo :Quinion :Quinion's :Quinn :Quinn's :quintessence :Quintessential :quintillion :quintus :quirk :quisle :Quisling :quit :quite
- Abbreviations:
Unedited list of search results
: 1
- Alternating voices: AUE: Sound samples, Markus and Skitt: 1
- Brians: quiet/quite: 1
- FX: "It's me" vs "It is I": 1
- FX: "blue moon": 1
- FX: "cut to the chase": 2
- FX: "pie-shaped": 1
- FX: "shall" vs "will", "should" vs "would": 1
- FX: How reliable are dictionaries?: 1
- FX: I before E except after C: 1
- FX: Online usage guides: 1
- FX: Spaces between sentences: 1
- FX: Subjunctive: 1
- FX: What words are their own antonym?: 1
- FX: When to use "the": 1
- FX: Where to put apostrophes in possessive forms: 1
- I before E: AUE: Exceptions to the rule 'I before E except after C': 1
- Intro C:
: 1
- Lawler: There is also another opposition among the formal auxiliaries, between: 1
- Lawler: --- Followup --: 1
- Lawler: >> For instance: English has only one phoneme, but it has: 1
- Lawler: >> That is, the voicing assimilation that makes these morphemes voiceless: 2
- Lawler: >Past tenses:: 2
- Lawler: Beth Levin is a computational linguist at Northwestern University: 3
- Lawler: The intonation curve is (roughly) up-down-back.up, graphically something: 1
- Lawler: "Correctness": 1
- Lawler: "It" in "It's raining": 2
- Lawler: "amn't": 1
- Lawler: "equally" and comparatives: 1
- Lawler: "only": 1
- Lawler: "vehicle": 1
- Lawler: Alumin(i)um: 1
- Lawler: Aural and Oral, Boy and Buoy: 1
- Lawler: Canadian and American Raising: 2
- Lawler: Commas again: 1
- Lawler: English Language History, with excursus on Technology: 3
- Lawler: English Modals: 2
- Lawler: Extraposition, plus Selected Short Subjects: 1
- Lawler: He, she, they?: 1
- Lawler: Indian English: 2
- Lawler: Negative Polarity Items: 2
- Lawler: Object Complements: 1
- Lawler: Phrasal Verbs: 1
- Lawler: Schwa and Central Vowels: 1
- Lawler: There are also two kinds of relative clauses:: 1
- Lawler: Verbing Nouns: 1
- Lawler: Vowels Before R: 2
- Lawler: Who(m): 1
- Lawler: zilch: 1
- Lynch: Quite.: 1
- UCLE03: Lindsay
: 2
- UCLE09: “Pop
: 1
- UCLE11: The
: 1
- UCLE12: News
: 2
- Where FAQ?: Single-page FAQ with internal links:
: 1
- 11. The Commonwealth
: 1
- AUE Gallery: Padraig Breathnach: 1
- AUE Gallery: Stephen Toogood: 2
- AUE: Analysis of Some Mark Barratt Vowels: 1
- AUE: Arthur the Rat: 1
- AUE: Comments on a Proposal for Reformed English Spelling: 2
- AUE: London Millennium Boink, December 1999: 1
- The Poetry of F. W. Moorman: 1
:Quitz :quiz :quizzes :quo :quod :quorum :quota :quotae :quotas :quotation :quotations :quote :quote-unquote :quoted :quotes :quotidian :quoting :Qvc :QWERTY :Qwerty :Qwk
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