Concordance index for 'exm' onwards
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:Exodus :exonym :exophoric :Exoplanet :exorbitant :exorcise :exorcize :exoteric :exotic :expanded :expands :expansion :expansions :expect :expectancy :expected :expecting :expedite :Expediting :expedition :Expeditionary :expeditions :expeditious :expense :expensive :experience :experienced :experiencer :experiential :experientially :experiment :experimental :experimentation :expert :expertise :experts :expired :explain :explaination :explained :explaining :explains :explanation :explanations :explanatory :expletives :explicate :explicitly :exploded :exploit :exploitation :exploits :exploration :explored :Explorer :explorers :exploring :explosion :explosions :explosive :explosives :exponential :export :exporter :Exporting :exports :exposed :exposition :Expositor :exposure :express :expressed :expresses :expressible :expressing :expression :expressions :expresso :Expressway :expulsion :expunge :extant :extend :extended :extending :extensible :extension :extensions :extensive :extensively :extent :external :extinct :extinguish :extort :extra :extract :extracted :extraction :extracts :Extranet :extraordinarily :extraposed :extraposition :Extravagant :extravagantly :extravaganza :extreme :extremely :extremists :extremities :extremity :extrude :exult :exx :eye
- AWWY: Pupil...Apple of One's eye...Precocious; apple of one's eye; brats, precocious ones; eye, the apple of one's; students, precocious ones; teachers and their favorites: 3
- AWWY: believing, seeing is; blinked, ...and they; Doubting Thomas; eye opener; Eye! Eye! Eye!; eyeball to eyeball; face to face; head to head; nose to nose; opener, eye; quatrocchi, a; see eye to eye; seeing is believing; shut-eye; There is less in this man than meets the eye; Thomas, Doubting: 9
- AWWY: bowels open, mouth shut; City Living; day, make my (Dirty Harry); Dirty Harry (make my day); drop on him, get the; ears to the ground; eyes peeled, keep your; get the drop on him; go ahead make my day; ground, ears to the; Harry, Dirty (make my day); keep a weather eye open; on your toes; peeled, keep your eyes; questions later, shoot first and ask; qui vive; shoot first and ask questions later; vive, qui; weather eye open, keep a: 2
- AWWY: detective; Dick; eavesdropper; Gargan, William (Private Eye); gumshoe; investigator (private eye); Martin Kanes (Private Eye); Nolan, Lloyd (Private Eye); Private Eyes, Dicks, and Gumshoes; snooping; whodunit: 4
- AWWY: dregs of a drink (mud); Toasting...Mud in Your Eye; eye, mud in your; mud in your eye: 3
- FX: Online language columns: 1
- FX: Trademarks: 1
- Lawler: -- more followup:: 1
- Lawler: Since you ask, here's a moderately complete list of polarity items,: 1
- Lawler: "only": 1
- Lawler: Hafta and Other Modal Paraphrases: 2
- Lawler: He, she, they?: 1
- Lawler: Usage of "the hell": 1
- Lawler: gonna: 6
- Links: Miscellaneous, not language related
: 1
- Quinion: All my eye and Betty Martin: 1
- Quinion: Apple of one's eye: 1
- AUE: Comments on a Proposal for Reformed English Spelling: 1
- Cambodunum
: 2
:eye-word :eyeball :eyebrow :eyed :eyeful :eyeglasses :Eyerobics :eyes
- AUE Logo: The Totally Official alt.usage.english Logo: 1
- AWWY: bigwig; blinded to the truth (hoodwink); exploitation (hoodwink); eyes, pooling wool over; media exploitation (hoodwink); political exploitation (hoodwink); truth, obscuring (hoodwink); wigs, big powdered (powerful people); Wool Over Eyes...Big Wig...Hoodwink: 2
- AWWY: bowels open, mouth shut; City Living; day, make my (Dirty Harry); Dirty Harry (make my day); drop on him, get the; ears to the ground; eyes peeled, keep your; get the drop on him; go ahead make my day; ground, ears to the; Harry, Dirty (make my day); keep a weather eye open; on your toes; peeled, keep your eyes; questions later, shoot first and ask; qui vive; shoot first and ask questions later; vive, qui; weather eye open, keep a: 2
- AWWY: detective; Dick; eavesdropper; Gargan, William (Private Eye); gumshoe; investigator (private eye); Martin Kanes (Private Eye); Nolan, Lloyd (Private Eye); Private Eyes, Dicks, and Gumshoes; snooping; whodunit: 1
- FX: "dressed to the nines": 1
- FX: "more than you can shake a stick at": 2
- FX: Commonest words: 1
- Lawler: Canadian and American Raising: 1
- Lawler: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 1
- Morris: Heyday: 1
- Quinion: Keep your eyes peeled: 1
- RH WotD: scales fell from eyes: 1
- UCLE07: Some significant numbers from literature and literary criticism: 1
- UCLE11: The
: 1
- Wilton: His Eyes: 1
- Yaelf: What is the origin of "lie back and think of England"? "close your eyes and think of England"?: 1
- Fieldfares
: 3
- Preface
: 2
:eyeteeth :eyne :Ezust
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