Concordance index for 'men' onwards
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:men :men's :menagerie :menagry :Menahem :Menander :Menches :Mencken :mend :mendaciloquence :Mendelsohn
- Cunningham: Individual poster histories - alt.usage.english: 1
:mendicant :mendin :Mendoza-Denton
- Lawler: As far as ... goes/is concerned: 1
:Mensa :mensch :mense :menstruation :ment :mental :mention :mentioned :Mentioning :mentions :menu :menus :meow
- AWWY: A1; ankles, the eel's; The Cat's Pajamas and the Bees Knees; bees knees, the; cat's meow, the; Cat's Pajamas and the Bees Knees, The; diamonds of the first water; eel's ankles, the; elephant's instep, the; first water, of the; galoshes, the cat's; gnu's shoes, the; instep, the elephant's; knees, the bees; meow, the cat's; pajamas, the cat's; pig's wings, the; roller skates, the cat's; sardine's whiskers, the; shoes, the gnu's; tonsils, the cat's; water, of the first; whiskers, the cat's; whiskers, the sardine's; wings, the pigs: 2
- Abbreviations:
Unedited list of search results
: 2
:Mep :Mer :Mercer :merchandise :merchandize :merchant :merchants :Mercier :mercifully :mercury :Mercutio's :mercy :mercy-seat :Merde :mere :Meredith :merely :Merfert
- Audio:
: 2
- Cunningham: Individual poster histories - alt.usage.english: 1
- IPA I:
: 2
- IPA I:
: 1
:merge :merged :merger :merges :merging :mErI :mEri :merism :Merismus :meriting :Meritocracy :merits :merkin :Merkle :Merlin :Merriam :Merriam-Webster :Merriam-Webster's :merrily :merry
- AWWY: bottoms up, sinister origins of; Eat, Drink & Bottoms Up; merry making: 1
- FX: "God rest you merry, gentlemen": 14
- FX: How to represent pronunciation in ASCII: 2
- Fast FAQ:
[Prefatory remarks]
: 1
: 1
Some U.S. speakers do not distinguish between "Mary",
: 1
- IPA I:
: 2
- IPA I:
Among those who use the same vowel in 'Mary', 'merry', and 'marry', not all of
: 1
- IPA I:
/DIs/ 0
: 1
- IPA I: Note 3: Some U.S. speakers do not distinguish between "Mary", "merry", and "marry" 3. Among those who use the same vowel in 'Mary', 'merry', and 'marry', not all of them have the common vowel /E/ in the three words.
: 2
- Lawler: There are at least 11 phonemically distinct vowels in standard American: 1
- Lawler: Where I grew up (in DeKalb, IL, 100 km W of Chicago) Mary,: 1
- Lawler: Henry Lee Smith: 1
- RH WotD: merry: 1
- AUE: Speech Examples: 2
:Mersey :merveille :mes :Mesa :Meseems :mesh :meshed :Mesmerize :mesne :mess :message :Message-ID :messages :messagry :messenger :Messinger
- Cunningham: Individual poster histories - alt.usage.english: 1
:messy :mesures :met :meta :MetaCrawler :Metacrawler :metal :metalepsis :metallage :Metamediary :metanalysis :metaphor :metaphorical :metaphorization :metaphorized :metaphors :metaplasm :metastasis :metathesis :Metaverse :Metcal :Metcalfe :meter :methanol :methinks
- Lawler: English Modals: 1
:method :Methodically :methodology :methods :Methody :Methuen :Methuselah :meticulousness :metonymy :metre :metric :metrical :metrics :Metro :Metroliner :Metropolitan :mettle :mettre :MEU :Meu :MEU1 :MEU2 :MEU3 :MEUII :Meuii :MeV :Mexican
- Yaelf: What is the origin of "Mexican wave"?: 1
:Mexico :meyer
- Cunningham: Individual poster histories - alt.usage.english: 1
- Lawler: Phrasal Verbs: 1
:Meyer's :Mez :Mfcf :Mfn :Mga :Mgb :MGM :Mgm :MgO :Mhg :Mho :Mhra
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