Concordance index for 'de' onwards
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- Cunningham: Individual poster histories - alt.usage.english: 1
:Dea :dead
- AWWY: Albatross around one's neck; burden of a dead bird; neck, albatross around one's: 1
- AWWY: cards, holding close to chest; chest, holding cards close to; dead man's hand; hand, dead man's; playing cards close to chest; poker face; Poker, Calling a Spade a Spade; spade a spade, calling a; stacked against you, cards aren't; table, laying cards out on: 2
- AWWY: cinch, lead-pipe; conviction; dead to rights; invincible; lead-pipe cinch; victims; victory: 1
- Abbreviations:
Unedited list of search results
: 1
- FX: "shall" vs "will", "should" vs "would": 1
- FX: Wicca: 1
- Garbl: dead end: 1
- Lawler: --- Followup --: 4
- Lawler: >Just one question: Where does the past perfect ("have gone", "have sung"): 2
- Lawler: Bring vs Take: 1
- Lawler: Quantifier-Negative Semantics: 1
- Lawler: Toward(s) and Beside(s): 1
- Morris: Dead ringer: 1
- Morris: Doornail, Dead as a: 1
- Quinion: Dead as a doornail: 1
- RH WotD: dead ringer, doppelgänger: 1
- RH WotD: dead: 1
- RH WotD: drop-dead: 1
- UCLE07: Some significant numbers from literature and literary criticism: 1
- UCLE08: The “Fat Lady”
: 1
- UCLE11: The
: 1
- AUE: Arthur the Rat: 1
:deadbeat :Deadhead :deadline :deadline-pressed :deadlocked :deadly :deadpan
- Morris: Deadpan: 1
- RH WotD: deadpan: 1
:Deadweight :deadwood :deaf :deal :dealer :dealing :deals :dealt :dean :dean't :dear :dearer :Dearest :deariest :deasil :death :deaths :debar :debatable :debate :Deborah :debris :debt :debtors :debts :Debussy :Dec :decade :decades :decaffeinate :decant :decay :deceased :deceit :deceiving :December :decency :decent :deception :deceptive :deceptively :decide :decided :decides :deciding :decillion :decimal :decimals :decimate :Deciphering :decipherment :decision :decisions :deck :Declaration :declare :declared :declares :declension :declensions :decline :declined :declining :decommissioning :Decomposed :Deconstruction :Decoration :decorations :decoy :decrease :decreased :decreases :decreasing :decreed :decried :DEDICATE :dedicated :Dedication :deducted :deductible :dee :deead :Deeath :Deed :deein :deejay :deem :deemed :deep :deep-dirt :deeper :Deepfreeze :deer :Deerest :deerstalker :Defang :default :defeat
- AWWY: bad luck, Roman explanation of; bed, getting up on wrong side of; Best/Right Foot...Wrong Side of the Bed; defeat, Caesar's explanation of; foot forward, putting best; grouchiness, Roman explanation of; military defeat, Caesar's explanation of; right foot, getting off on; wrong side of bed, getting up on: 2
- AWWY: bitter end; defeat, on the verge of (on the ropes); end of your rope, at the; Learn the Ropes...The Bitter End; know the ropes; ropes, on the; tether, at the end of your (end of your rope); verge of defeat (on the ropes): 2
- UCLE13: Waterloo
: 3
:defecate :DEFECT :defect :defective :defects :defence :defences :defend :defendant :defended :defenders :defends :defenestrate :defense :defensible :deference :defiance :defiant :deficiency :deficient :deficit :definate :define :defined :defines :defining :definite :definitely :definition :definitions :definitive :deformity :defrauded :deft :defunct :defuse :deg :degeneracy :degradation :degrade :degree :degrees :deictic :deify :deign :deil :deipnosophist :deity :deixis :deja :dejanews :dejected :dejection :DeKalb :deke :Del :Delano :delay :DELAYS :Delays :delete :deleted :deletetoreply :deleting :deletion :Delhi :deliberate :DELIBERATELY :deliberately :delicate :delicately :Delict :delight :Delighted :delightful :delimit :delimiter :delirious :delirium :deliver :delivered :delivery :dells :Delta :deluge :delusive :delver
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